Chapter 48-The Heist

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Warnings: horrible jokes, annoying family member, pain description, awkward moments filled by elevator music, lying, blood mentions, threats, kidnapping (not of anyone we like, though)

Several days later.

“Right, does everyone remember the plan?” Vince asked as we watched the lights of the Wicked building sweep across the desert.
“Yes, we’ve been over it like a dozen times,” I complained, stretching. “I sneak into Wicked, I do a thing with the cameras. The others sneak in and we get the food and water, come back and do it again and again.”
“Yes,” Vince said.
I was only going in with a couple other Enhanced, Nikolai, Alex and Felix. Ember and Skylar were to stay behind just in case we were caught. A couple other people were going to wait with Vince, including Harriet, Frypan, Thomas and my boyfriend.
“Be careful, love,"  Newt said to me as I got up. I gave him a peck on my lips.
“I always am,” I replied and my brother gave me a look. “What? I am always careful.”
“Do you want a list of all the times you weren’t careful?”
“Nah, we’ll be here until sunrise then.”
I waited until the spotlight swept by before I sprung up and ran down the sand dune. I slipped but managed not to fall over. I quickly ran across to the building. I saw one of the spotlights moving back to me and I raised a wind to erase my footprints. I stopped and wove an illusion. The light swept right over me. I sighed in relief and made it to the edge of the building. I looked up at the several story building and took a deep breath. I lifted myself up and onto the roof. I couldn’t sense any camera’s up here. I found what I was looking for. One of the vent covers.
I removed it quietly and peered down it. It was a steep drop. I climbed into the vent and lowered myself down with my ability. I crawled through it, looking for the camera room. I found it quite easily and quietly pushed the vent open. None of the guards saw me coming as I knocked one of the two out and drew the second one’s attention. He met my eyes with terror and I used my ability on him. He froze, unable to look away or do anything.
“Continue watching the cameras, nothing is wrong,” I told him and he repeated it back to me.
I did a thing with my ability to loop the camera’s so that if someone came into the room, they wouldn’t notice something was wrong until they looked closely. I hid the unconscious body of the other guard and climbed back into the vent where I pulled up my radio.
“Done part one of the plan,” I whispered into it before I turned it back off.
It was now time to crawl through the vents until I found where they were storing the food. I found that several long minutes later. The vents were all surprisingly clean, free of any specks of dust. I peeked through the vent into the food storage room.
There weren’t any guards and I quietly opened the vent and dropped down. I landed silently and waited for alarms to go off or my sister to come out of nowhere and fry me like a piece of bacon.
Nothing happened.
I slung the backpack I had brought off my shoulder and went over to one of the crates. Inside were cans upon cans of food. I quickly packed it to the brim. I heard a sound behind me and whipped around, knife at the ready. Nikolai put his hands up quickly and gave me a smile. Alex was with him. They had to go as a pair as Alex couldn’t make himself float. I rolled my eyes and zipped up the bag.
Nikolai and Alex got to work packing their bags. I floated back up to the vent and started the journey back. I had to float up the last part until I could climb out easily. I stretched after being confined inside the tight space and quickly ran to the edge of the building. I jumped down and landed quietly. I waited for the spotlight to move before I ran across the sand and scrambled up the hill to my friends. Newt gave me a relieved smile and got up to hug me quickly. I dumped the bag on the ground and Vince handed me another.
“Everything going okay?” he asked me.
“Yep. The vent’s are really tight, though,” I complained. “And they’re really clean, spotless, actually. I don't know why that is bugging me.”
“You’d better get back,” Vince advised and I nodded.
Newt hesitated to let me go and gave me a quick kiss. I smiled at him and turned back to run. I crossed the sand and got back up to the top of the building where I met my brother and Alex. Nikolai went to jump.
“Wait,” they both turned to look at me. “Jump, I’ll catch you. It’ll be better than your blue light.”
Alex nodded and moved over next to Nikolai. Nikolai gave me a look, “Don’t kill us.”
“I wouldn’t do it this way,” I replied immediately.
He frowned, “How would you–”
Alex rolled his eyes and pulled him over the edge with him. I stopped them falling before they hit the ground and returned to what I was supposed to be doing. I climbed back into the vent and got slightly lost as I tried to find my way back.
I passed several offices before I heard voices and decided to pause. I peered through and tensed. Felix was on his knees, bleeding from his temple. Someone, an Enhanced, I assumed, held a gun to his head. Felix attempted to keep a straight face but I could see he was worried. Metal bands that restricted his ability were tight around his wrists.
“We found him in the food storage room,” the soldier explained to someone I couldn’t see.
“Was anyone else with him?” a nasally voice asked and I froze.
That voice was familiar. Brandon. My other uncle. I moved forward quietly to try and see but I hit my elbow on the wall with a bang. I screwed my face up in pain and moved back out of view of the vent.
“Who’s there?” Brandon demanded.
An idea formed, based on my uncle’s worst fear. He had a fear of most things, especially anything dirty. Rat’s were one of the worst things to him. He was also extremely paranoid.
“Oh sorry sir, it’s just one of your vent inspectors. We got a report of a rat being heard, so I was told to check it out,” I lied.
“A rat?! How did one of those vile creatures get inside?” Brandon demanded.
“No idea, sir,” I covered my mouth so I wouldn’t laugh, did he seriously have people crawl through the vents to look for rats?
“Very well, you may continue,” Brandon dismissed.
I rolled my eyes. How on earth had he not recognised my voice?
“Wait, I think I see it! It’s in your office, sir!” I gasped dramatically. Brandon shrieked and I heard him clamber onto a table.
“Where?! Where is it?!” he shrieked, knocking things over as he attempted to see it.
I kicked the vent door open and climbed out. I landed on the floor lightly, “He’s right there!” I pointed at him.
Brandon got down quickly and backed against the wall.
“Ah, ah, Y/n, my dear niece,” he stumbled over his words.
“Hello, Uncle,” I said coldly. I looked towards Felix and the soldier. Felix’s face relaxed with relief. I went to do something about the soldier but they moved quickly and the paper that had been on my uncle's desk hit me in the face. I yelped and pressed my hand over my nose.
“Ow!” I complained. “That was so rude!”
I flung a knife at him but he flicked his hand and it vanished then reappeared, hurtling back at me. I ducked and shot a surprised look at him.
“Interesting,” I mused, a new plan already forming in my mind. “You’re powerful, but nowhere near enough.”
I hit him with a lightning bolt and knocked him against the wall. I flicked my hand and the metal cuffs on Felix’s wrists split open and I helped him up.
“Take your bag of food and go back to the others. I’ll catch up shortly,” I instructed him and he quickly followed the orders. He paused at the entrance to the vent. He turned around and I frowned.
“The Phoenix,” Felix said, “She’s here somewhere.”
I paused, considering this. “Okay, tell those idiots not to come after me just yet. I’ll catch up soon.”
Felix nodded and clambered into the vent. I went over to the soldier who was still lying dazed on the floor and I forced him to look in my eyes while I covered his mouth to quiet his screams. When I was done, I let him fall limp on the ground, I must have drained his energy too because he was dead. I stood straighter and turned back to my uncle.
“Come, Uncle,” I ordered and he cowered down. He didn’t move. “I said, come,” I repeated slowly and in a lower tone. Why wasn’t my hypnosis working on him? He slowly walked over and I wove an illusion to make me appear as a soldier. “Try anything and I’ll kill you. Understand?”
He nodded and followed as I left his office. I led him through the building back towards the food storage area. Thankfully, we only encountered a couple soldiers and none looked twice at us.
Once we reached storage, I forced him to open the door with his keycard. I shut it quickly and started trying to figure out how to use my new ability. I started with a single can. I focused all my energy into making it disappear. If I was right, then I could store the food in some sort of place with the ability and summon it again later.
After a couple tries, I managed to get it working and I repeated it on the large crates of food and clean water. After I started to get tired, I turned back to look at my uncle. I forced him to walk with me back out of the room and into the elevator. Quiet music filled the awkward silence.
“In case you are wondering, I know what you and Marcus did,” I said quietly and he froze.
“They-they forced me, I didn’t want to tell them where you and your family were,” he stuttered.
I rolled my eyes, “Don’t even bother. Marcus is dead, by the way.”
Brandon looked at me in shock. “What?”
“We hung him over a pit of Cranks and he wouldn’t keep still. The rope broke and he fell to his death.”
“Is that what you’ll do to me?” Brandon asked. “To one of the only family members you have left?”
“Well, considering half my family is dead indirectly because of you, I will kill you in some way. I won’t dangle you over Cranks, though. That got old.”
The elevator opened on the top floor and I forced him out. We took the stairs to the roof. Felix stumbled towards the edge.
“Felix?” I asked and hurriedly dragged my uncle with me as I moved towards him. Felix turned around to look at me. Blood ran down his front and I froze. “Oh, that’s not good.”
He nodded and I quickly put his arm over my shoulder, I let go of my uncle. He went to run but was dragged back by the air currents that now bound him.
“Call for help and I will cut out your tongue,” I warned him. I helped Felix up to the edge and I slowly lowered the three of us to the ground. I cast an illusion over us as we couldn’t run. I fought down a wave of dizziness and shut the Wraith’s voice out, which had begun whispering again. I helped Felix cross the sand and I forced my uncle to come with us. We somehow managed to get to the hill and I released the illusion. I helped Felix up the hill and my friends sprung up to help.
“What happened?” Vince demanded.
“Felix got caught and my least favourite sibling is here. I kidnapped Brandon too,” I informed them. We sat him gently on the ground and a couple people started helping him. I let Brandon fall to the ground, he went to get up but I grabbed him.
“Try anything and I’ll break your fingers, one by one,” I let him go and he sat on the ground.
Newt winced as I finished threatening him. I looked around suddenly.
“Where’s Nikolai and Alex?” I asked suddenly. Vince looked up suddenly from Felix, horror dawning on his face.
Realisation flooded through me and I turned back to the building.
“They’re still inside.”

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