Chapter 65-The Party

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Warnings: pain, crying, mentions of murder


48 days after his death

I locked myself in my room. 

Élliot knocked but I ignored him. I took a long nap, content on ignoring life.

Several hours later, someone knocked on the door. I ignored it. The lock clicked open and the door opened. Bella entered and closed the door. She raised an eyebrow at my spot on the carpet. 

“Did you just pick the lock?” I asked.


“What do you want?” I asked.

“Élliot sent me to check if you were alive and also to tell you about the party tonight,” Bella said and sat on the edge of my bed. 

“A party?” I asked and lay back on the floor, I stared up at the ceiling.

“Yeah, it'll be fun,” Bella said.

“Hmph,” I replied.

“Things aren’t gonna get better if you mope around all day,” Bella advised me, then rolled her eyes and sat on the floor. “Sit up.” 

I did as she asked, she frowned at my puffy eyes. 

“What?” I asked.

“Therapy,” she said dryly. “Tell me about those people.”

I sighed, debating if I should do this.

“Come on, get it out of your system. Tell me your tragic backstory,” Bella encouraged.

“Tragic backstory?”

“Everyone here has one,” Bella said.

“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,” I replied.

“Fine. Both my parents caught the Flare and died soon after. I was eight. I lived on the streets here for years. One day, I ran into Élliot and we became best friends. Kei and Leo joined us too eventually. One day we decided to overthrow the King of the Corrupt here and we did and here we are,” Bella finished. “I’m one of the lucky ones.”

“I’m sorry about your parents,” I said quietly and she shrugged.

“I barely remember them now, it’s better that way,” Bella said.

I fell quiet for a moment before I spoke, “You don’t seem Corrupt at all.”

“That’s because I’m not, I’m not even an Enhance. Leo’s not Corrupt either, his ability is he can make an Enhance stronger.”

“I thought everyone here is Corrupt?”

“Most are, but sometimes people don’t want to leave them so they stay here with them,” Bella explained. “Tell me your story now.”

I told her everything except about the Wraith.

“I held on for sixteen days after he died. Vince, that’s the man, started blaming me for my brother's death, Alex blamed me too. I still made him promise to kill me before I completely lost my mind. They found out I killed my little sister and completely turned on me. The things they said…it was enough to completely push me over the edge. I don’t know how I’m sane at the moment. I spent an entire month completely gone. They all broke my heart,” I finished. Bella was silent.

“That’s got to be one of the worst one’s I’ve heard,” she said after a minute. “That must have been so awful, I can only imagine a small part of your pain.”

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