Chapter 75-Reunion

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Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of blood, mentions of a dead body, mentions of killing, angst

I ripped the door off its hinges, letting it fall uselessly to the ground. Élliot helped me up the stairs. I paused to survey the contents.
Terrified, dirty faces stared at me.
I started with the first row, breaking the metal chains that bound their hands together. The others climbed in after me, quiet as they saw the people. I recognised a boy near the front. Aris.
I placed my shoulder as I passed him, breaking his chains.
"Aris, Sonya," Thomas hurried over to them. "Hey, you guys okay?"
"Yeah, we're fine," Sonya said, glancing at him.
Aris did not look fine. His checks were hollow and he had several cuts on his face.
"Dude looks like a crank. He's not fine," I muttered as I broke her chains.
She stared at me, probably realising who I was. I winked at her and continued down the aisle.
"Jesus," Thomas muttered and looked over at the other people.
"There you are. Oh God!" Harriet threw her arms around Sonya and Aris.
I tore my eyes from them and focused on manipulating the metal. Several rows later, I came face to face with two grinning people.
"You certainly took your time," Bella pouted slightly, unable to fight a grin.
I flung my arms around her, nearly knocking her into Leo.
"I'm so sorry!" I quickly broke the metal, allowing us to hug better. "They threw me back into the maze."
"It's alright," Bella laughed, hugging me back tightly.
I drew back finally, moving over so Thomas and Newt could pass.
Thomas walked right to the end, scanning the faces. My heart started to fall. There was someone else I was hoping to see here.
"He's not here," he said disbelievingly.
I sighed, flicking my hands and breaking more of the metal bindings.
"Hey, where's Élliot?" Bella asked.
Everything in me froze. She didn't know. They didn't know.
Élliot's ghost looked horrified, aware of what I had to tell them. Bella noticed my expression immediately.
"No..." she shook her head, "No."
She scrambled from her seat, pulling Leo with her. I watched them leave, sighing tiredly.
"Élliot's dead?" Newt asked, shock filled his voice.
I nodded, fixing my gaze on the wall so I wouldn't cry.
"Go after them," Élliot murmured from next to me.
"I don't want to," I complained, "I want to lay here and die."
I felt eyes on me. Most of the people were staring at me, Newt, Thomas and Alex included.
"Can't a girl go crazy in peace around here?" I demanded, glaring.
Instantly, they all looked away. Except for Newt, he continued to watch me.
"Y/n, stop being dramatic," Élliot sighed.
"Stop being dramatic," I mocked him quietly, brushing past Newt and Thomas to free the rest. "You stop."
"Who are you talking to?" Newt asked.
I turned around, feeling a sudden tightening in my throat. "If you must know, I'm talking to myself."
Thomas and Newt stared at me.
Thomas sighed finally, "Okay. You do you."
He left without another word.
"See?" Élliot commented, "Dramatic."
"Shut up," I snapped, freeing the last person. "You literally told me I was, 'really pretty,' as you choked on your blood."
Newt was staring at me, looking vaguely concerned. Alex walked up behind him.
"What's going on?" he asked, looking between the two of us.
I sank to the floor, bringing my knees to my chest
"Élliot's dead," Newt whispered, but not soft enough for me not to hear. "She keeps talking to someone."
"I'll talk to her. You go find Thomas," Alex said, focusing his eyes on me.
Newt nodded, glancing back at me once more before leaving.
"Game plan," I whispered to Élliot as he knelt down next to me. "I explain that I can see the dead, and you talk to her."
Alex frowned, watching me converse with the air.
"Or, you explain what happened and then tell her about your new ability," Élliot countered.
I pretended to consider this before I spoke, "Nah, sounds scary."
"You literally share a body with a more than slightly delusional person," Élliot pointed out, poking my forehead.
I swatted his hand away and leaned back against the wall.
Alex raised his eyebrow at me. I made a face at him in response.
"Ew, I still have your dead body," I realised aloud slightly too loudly as people glanced back.
"I'm sorry," Alex interrupted, unfolding his arms, "What?"
"Shh," I said to him. "We could bury you. You get to attend your own funeral, isn't that fun?"
"Very fun," Élliot agreed, standing up. "But first, go talk to Bella and Leo."
I shook my head. "They're not going to forgive me."
Élliot sighed, "They will, just come."
He held out his hand and I let him pull me up.
"The heck was that?" Alex demanded, staring bewildered as I moved past him.
"That was a hallucination caused by your lack of sleep," I poked him lightly.
Alex scowled and followed me outside.
Winston was waiting for me. I grinned and coughed, hiding my smile.
"Winston," I whispered, "Come over here."
I pulled Élliot with me as we went around the side of the shed the Right Arm occupied.
"How are you?" I asked, keeping my voice low.
"I'm good," Winston said normally. "It's good to see you."
"Good to see you too," I answered.
"What are you doing?" Alex asked, making me jump.
I recovered instantly, putting my hands on my hips and glaring at him. "What are you doing? Sneaking up on me like that! I could've killed you!"
Alex was not impressed by my deflective behaviour. He folded his arms and fixed his eyes on my forehead. Clearly, he wasn't dumb enough to look me in the eye.
"Look!" I pointed dramatically behind him. "A flying cow!"
Alex looked.
I teleported away.

Back in the camp, I decided to find Bella and Leo. It wasn't difficult. They were sitting on a rock near the water. I approached slowly, not sure if I should bother them. Leo was cradling Bella in his arms, letting her cry into him. He noticed me first, his eyes flicking up to me. It suddenly occurred to me that he had been possessed.
"Leo," I asked softly, "Is she still in your head?"
He shook his head, "She let me go because my ability is too weak to be an asset."
Bella sat up, glaring at me. "What do you want?"
"To explain."
"What is there to explain?" Bella demanded, voice overwhelmed with emotion. "He's dead."
I sighed and nodded, letting silence tick by.
"It was supposed to be me," I whispered, feeling my heart ache.
"No," Élliot interrupted, glaring at me. "Don't say that."
I ignored him.
"What?" Bella asked.
"It was supposed to be me," I said, louder. "The bullet was meant for me."
"He sacrificed himself?" Bella demanded and then ran her hands through her long dark hair. "That-that stupid-"
She trailed off in a string of curse words.
I nodded along, enjoying Élliot's uncomfortable expression.
Bella fell silent suddenly, leaning into Leo.
"I tried to save him," I said, my throat feeling tight again.
"And then he died," Bella said flatly.
"Well, first he told me I was really pretty and then told me to kiss him," I added, shooting a look at him.
"And did you?" Bella asked.
I nodded.
"Good," Bella murmured, "He really loved you. I hope he's happy, wherever he is."
"About that," I said awkwardly, glancing at Élliot. "I-"
"Flying cow?" Alex snapped, coming up behind me. "Seriously? That's the best you could do?"
Vince, Thomas and Newt started trailing their way down towards us. Brenda, Jorge and Frypan joined in as well.
I winced, "It worked."
Alex stared at me for a long moment.
"Does Kei know?" Bella asked, wiping at her eyes.
"I-uh, I told him right after I got out of the maze," I said carefully.
Bella nodded. Leo stared at me, already picking up on my pain.
"He found me, uh," I looked to Élliot for help.
"About four weeks ago," he supplied.
"Four weeks ago."
Bella slowly turned her eyes back to me. "He...found you?"
I nodded, awkwardly rubbing my hands together. "He tracked me with the help of someone else who wanted me dead."
"Who?" Alex asked.
"Some boy," I explained, "I killed his sister or something."
"Well, that'll do it," Alex said sarcastically.
I swallowed, not coming up with a response to that.
"What happened?" Bella asked, sounding exhausted.
"He snapped," I said shortly, "Tried to kill me. I tried to pull him back, I told him about you and Leo. He knew that you both were captured and he blamed me for that."
"Past tense," Bella said, staring at me. "You killed him."
"Not exactly, the Wraith did. I couldn't do it," I looked away, feeling the horrified grief welling up again. "I tried so hard to bring him back. He wouldn't let me get in his head. He kept shutting down my abilities, I couldn't do anything. And then the Wraith just...took over."
Bella slumped against Leo. He was pale with shock, tears slipping down his scarred face.
"I'm so, so sorry," I slowly sank to my knees. "This is all my fault."
"No!" Bella snapped, ripping herself out of Leo's arms and landing in front of me. "Don't you dare blame yourself!"
I stared at her.
"Élliot chose to go with you. We all did. We knew the risks. Besides, he was a seer. Do you really think that he didn't see it coming? He was an idiot but-"
The rest of her words blurred together as I slowly looked up at Élliot. He avoided my gaze.
"Oh..." I said slowly, getting up. "You knew?"
"Mon ange," Élliot warned, glancing at the others.
"Don't 'mon ange' me! Answer the question!" I snapped, glaring at him.
"Ooo, someone's in trouble," Kei teased, popping out of nowhere.
"Shut up," I snapped at him, keeping my eyes on Élliot. "Well?"
Élliot sighed, "Yes, I knew."
I scoffed, turning around. Everyone was staring at me. "Unbelievable," I muttered.
"Y/n?" Bella asked, "Who are you talking to?"
I shook my head, stalking away. "I'm going to go sulk."

1700 words

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