Chapter 87-Please

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Warnings: pain, blood, sickness, fighting, angst

Newt POV
“How far are the tunnels?” Tommy asked as he set me down for a break.
I panted. My lungs couldn’t seem to get enough air.
“Maybe twelve blocks from here,” Gally answered.
“We can make it,” Tommy said. He sounded uncertain.
Minho knelt down next to me, “Newt, how are you feeling?”
I groaned and shifted, my whole body ached. I saw no point in lying. “Terrible. It’s good to see you, though.”
Minho nodded and went to talk to Tommy. I could see distant flashes of light where Y/n was fighting the Phoenix. Lillian sat down next to me. She figured out what was wrong with me shortly after Y/n went off to fight the Phoenix again.
“Are you and my sister still together?” she asked.
“We broke up months ago, but we got back together today,” I managed a smile.
“Hey, Newt,” Tommy said, looking down at me.“Come on, bud. We gotta get you up.”
I took his hand and Minho also helped me up. I stumbled, the ground swaying beneath me.
“You okay?” Tommy asked.
“Yeah,” I answered.
“Why are you helping us, Gally?” Minho asked suddenly. “Y/n put a knife in your heart.”
“Yeah, nobody’s perfect, man,” Gally shrugged.
An explosion ripped through the air. Shattering some windows. We turned to look, a massive fireball rose from the city gate.
“We’re supposed to take down Wicked, not the whole damn city,” Gally said faintly, staring in horror.
“Gally, come on,” Tommy said and we started limping through the city.
A couple moments later, Tommy saw something and helped me down against a concrete block.
“Stay low,” he hissed at the others.
Lillian peeked to see what was happening.
“Wicked, they’ve blocked the street,” she explained to me.
“What are they waiting for?” Minho murmured.
Something slammed into a nearby building. It exploded, spilling fire everywhere. People started yelling and I caught a glimpse of a mob headed towards Wicked. More explosions followed.
“We gotta go,” Tommy said and hauled me up.
Minho took my other side. They carried me through the now burning streets. Lightning flashed in the dark sky above. Fire swirled above buildings. They carried me a bit longer before they set me down against an alley wall. Thomas pulled out the radio.

The Wraith had begun laughing in my head. The noise almost drowned out everything else. Almost. Hot wind tore at my clothes and hair, burning my face. It would only exhaust me further to try and cool it. I couldn’t make it rain, I was too exhausted for that. The Phoenix launched another fireball, I dodged it.
“Brenda, are you there?” Thomas asked over the radio.
“Thomas, I’m here,” Brenda answered immediately.
“We’re not gonna make it,” Thomas said despairingly.
“Wait, what are you talking about?”
There was gunfire over the radio.
“Just take the others, get everybody out while you still can,” Thomas said finally.
“No,” Brenda replied firmly. “I’m not leaving you. Okay? So forget it.”
“Even though you should?” Thomas asked, I sensed some sort of inside thing.
“Thomas, don’t worry! I’m coming to you!” Brenda laughed, there was a faint hum of an engine in the background.
“What are you talking about?” Thomas asked.
“Our ride’s here!” Brenda yelled happily. “Just look for us near the tunnels.”
I used my ability to track the signal of the radio. I teleported near it. I stumbled down an alleyway towards the others. Lillian looked up from Newt and ran over for a hug. I wrapped an arm around her and dropped to my knees next to Newt. Black blood ran down his chin and he breathed heavily. His eyes wandered over my face as he recognised me.
“Y/n,” he mumbled.
“Hey, darling,” I brushed his sweaty hair out of his face.
He tried to respond but broke off in a coughing fit, his head exhaustedly leaning into my hand.
Thomas finished saying something to Minho about going ahead. Minho knelt down in front of Newt and offered his hand. Newt took it.
“Thank you, thank you, Minho,” Newt choked out the words.
“Hey, just hang on, alright?” Minho begged him and then he and Gally took off running.
Thomas dropped down next to me. Newt’s breaths became heavier and his head tilted, looking past me.
“Newt?” I asked.
He didn’t respond.
“Newt? Hey! Hey! Newt!” Thomas shook him and he seemed to come back to himself. “We’re gonna try this. Okay? We gotta move now. Let’s get you up, come on.”
“No, no,” Newt reached up and pulled on a string around his neck until it snapped.
“No, Newt. Later. Really gotta go,” Thomas said.
“Look, you gotta take this,” Newt tried to shove it into my hands.
“We gotta get you up,” I protested.
“No, just take it!” Newt yelled. I froze, Newt relaxed slightly, choking on blood.
“Please, Y/n. Please,” he begged me. I held back a sob and took the necklace. It had a small metal canister attached to it. I slid it into my pocket.
“Y/n,” Lillian said suddenly. She was staring down the alley.
The Phoenix stumbled towards us, dripping blood from cuts.
I kissed Newt’s head, “I love you.”
I rushed to attack the Phoenix first. I knocked her out of the alley. Something caught my eye, blue flashes of light. Nikolai. He flung the energy at Alex, who shielded himself.

Lillian’s POV
Y/n and Coralie vanished. I helped Thomas get Newt up. I was shorter than him which made things difficult. His bad leg didn’t seem to work anymore as we carried him through the burning streets. The orange light of the fire was starting to burn my eyes. I hoped my brother was okay. I could just see the white flashes of lighting reflecting on the glass windows of the buildings.
“Come on. Come on,” Thomas mumbled as we heaved Newt through a broken door. “We’re almost there, Newt. Stay with me, come on.”
Newt choked on blood and sagged down. Newt collapsed on the ground, pulling us down with him.
“Newt, no, no! Hey!” Thomas shook him slightly.
I dropped down next to him, moving his head so he could cough the blood out of his airways. “Newt, Y/n needs you to stay alive.”
“Thomas?” a girl’s voice echoed around the empty train station. I recognised it to be Teresa’s.
Sometimes, she came to talk to me. Coralie was there for random amounts of time, coming and going without much consistency. Even though I disliked Teresa, it had been nice to have someone to talk to.
Thomas stood up. “Can you hear me? I need you to listen to me. I know you have no reason to trust me but I need you to come back.”
I checked Newt’s pulse, and it hammered beneath my fingertips in uneven beats.
“Thomas, you can save Newt. There’s still time for him,” Teresa said over the city speakers. Thomas looked back at Newt.
What was she talking about?
“There’s a reason Brenda isn’t sick anymore. It’s your blood. Do you understand?  She isn’t sick because you cured her. She doesn’t have to be the only one. All you have to do is come back and this will all finally be over. Please, just come back to me. I know you’ll do the right—”
The power cut off, a moment later, the emergency backup started. I got up and went over to Thomas.
“Do you think she’s telling the truth?”
“I don’t know,” he answered. He turned around and froze. “Newt?”
Newt slowly stood up. He wasn’t facing us.
“Newt?” Thomas said again.
Newt slowly turned around, his eyes were black. Blood and saliva dripped from his mouth. Black veins were very visible against his pale skin.
Newt lunged and tackled Thomas.
“Newt! It’s me! It’s me!” he yelled.

Nikolai POV
The Phoenix released her hold on me. I groaned and lay back on the floor. Alex watched me carefully, red sparks flickering around his hands.
“Hey, she let me go,” I said, sitting up and wincing.
Barely a second later, Alex knocked me flat against my back on the ground. He flung his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.
“As much as I’m enjoying this, we gotta help Y/n,” I said.
“Right,” Alex said and helped me up.
We climbed back through the broken window of the shop we’d been fighting in. It was quite the scene outside. Most of the buildings were burning near where we were. Flaming debris littered the once neat streets. People ran screaming. Someone caught my eye, Brenda. She was running like she had a mission.
“Come on!” I grabbed Alex’s arm and we started running after her. We caught up to her just as she ducked behind a car for shelter. Alex shielded us from stray bullets.
“Good to have you back!” she yelled over the noise. I noticed a vial of serum in her hands.
“Is that for Newt?” I asked.
“Yeah!” she handed it to me. “Both of you go, you’ll be quicker than me.”
We started running, Alex shielded us when people shot at us.

Lillian’s POV
Thomas flung Newt off him, he screeched as he rolled across the ground. He started to get up and stopped. He looked at Thomas.
“Tommy, kill me!” he begged.
I looked at Thomas, his face screwed up and he moved a little closer.
“Newt, I’m here.”
Newt sprung up and tackled him again, knocking him to the ground.
“Newt!” I yelled, “Think about Y/n! Remember Y/n?”
“Newt, please!” Thomas managed to get the words out, Newt was choking him. Newt let go suddenly, his body relaxing.
“I’m sor-I’m sorry, Tommy,” he panted.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Thomas had tears running down his face.
Newt reached for the gun at Thomas’s side. He loaded it and held it to his head. I cried out and went to stop him.
“No!” Thomas yelled and knocked it away.
Newt growled and started strangling him again. I tackled Newt off him. I rolled away quickly as he clawed at me. Thomas grabbed him, knocking him away from me. Newt paused for a moment and then flung himself back at Thomas, a flash of silver in his hand.
Newt knocked Thomas back to the ground and pinned him down. He tried to drive the knife into Thomas’s heart. I grabbed him, trying to stop him. The knife just pierced Thomas’s chest, blood staining his shirt. Thomas thrashed, knocking Newt off him. I quickly let go, Thomas got up and put himself in front of me.
Newt ran forward and started slicing the knife at Thomas. Thomas stumbled back and I got out of the way. Newt collided into Thomas in almost a hug, Thomas held him up as Newt heaved for breath. Newt leaned back from Thomas, Thomas looked down slightly. I moved to see what he was looking at. Horror froze me. The knife was buried in Newt’s heart. He’d turned it on himself.
“Newt,” Thomas whispered.

1900 words

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