Chapter 53-He Knows

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Warnings: mentions of murder and blood, Alex freaking out

Newt POV

I sat next to Alex the next morning for breakfast. Our other friends were sitting near us but I wasn’t paying attention to their conversation. I was watching Y/n across the camp as she talked with her brother. She seemed okay, strangely so. The only indication that she was hurt was the fact she ignored my existence entirely. I didn’t want to admit it but it hurt. I really wished we could just be friends.
“You keep staring at her and Nikolai will cut out your eyes,” Alex stated, drawing me back to myself.
I tore my gaze from her to look at him. He shrugged and returned his attention to his food, munching happily on his baked beans.
“Do you think Y/n’s behaving weirdly?” I asked him.
Alex’s head snapped up to look at me, “Yeah, why?”
“She’s changed so much since we left the Maze,” I went on, I returned my gaze to Y/n. She wandered somewhere out of sight, leaving her brother alone. “She’s cold. Nearly cruel at times.”
Alex picked at his food and scooped up more with the spoon to eat it.
“It’s like she’s not Y/n.”
Alex choked on his food and Tommy hit him on the back. He swallowed the food and dumped the bowl down. Swearing loudly, he got up and ran across the camp to Nikolai.
“Alex?” I called after him but he didn’t turn around.
He dragged Nikolai off and out of sight.
“What was that about?” Thomas asked, moving next to me.
“I’ve got no idea,” I replied.

Nikolai POV
Alex dragged me off until we were far from the camp.
“What? Did you want a kiss?” I teased him.
He stared around. He wandered around in a circle as if looking to see if someone was there to spy on us. I realised this was something serious. I dropped the smile I had on my face and watched him check and double-check the area around us.
He turned around and walked back to me. “She’s not…”
I froze for a second. He couldn’t have figured it out already.
“Who’s not what?” I tried to act natural.
“Cut the act. Y/n, is she…” he moved even closer so he could whisper in my ear, “corrupt.”
I tensed and whipped around to look around us. There was no one there. I realised a second too late that my reaction had given me away. Alex took a step back, running his hands through his hair. Something I would have found attractive if we weren’t in this situation.
“Oh…” he swore. “How long?”
I sighed and gave up hiding it from him.“Y/n’s had a voice in her head for a year. She’s had episodes where she’s lost control, that’s been happening for much longer than that. It started after we ran away.”
“A year?” Alex asked, confused. “That’s impossible. She would have turned by now. Most Corrupt don’t last six months.”
“I think it’s because of the chip they put in her wrist to suppress her abilities and also because she had her memories wiped. Ever since she got them back she’s had a rough time fighting her off,” I explained. I noticed too late the slip I had made.
“The voice in her head,” I quickly explained but Alex noticed I spoke too fast. “Anyway, a couple days ago Y/n lost control. That’s why she disappeared.”
“This is really bad. Who knows?”
“Just us and that Corrupt we met, Élliot.”
“Why does he know?” Alex asked.
“No idea, we don’t know how he found out.”
“What’s going on?” Y/n asked, walking towards us.
Alex tensed and stared at her. Y/n noticed immediately, her eyes flicked to me.
“He knows, he came and asked me. How did you figure it out?”
“Newt, he said, ‘It’s like she’s not Y/n,’ I figured out what was wrong then,” Alex explained.
Y/n took another step towards us, Alex watched her closely.
“Don’t be scared. If I’m going to snap and go on a mass murder spree, I’ll let you know,” she said and turned her gaze back to me.
She looked deliberately back at Alex and then made a half circle movement with her hand. She was asking if he knew about the other thing. That the Wraith was sort of her. I shook my head. Alex watched us closely.
“It always amazes me how you too do that,” Alex interjected.
“Do what?” I asked.
“Communicate without words or your mind ability,” Alex explained and then frowned. “Wait, why would knowing this place me at more risk? I’m already at risk, knowing it wouldn’t make it worse.”
He studied us closely, “So there’s more to this secret.”
He went quiet while he thought. I shared an uncomfortable glance with my sister
“You lose control, then show up covered in blood and don’t explain it. You said you were with the Wraith. Two corrupt working together? That’s unheard of. That doesn’t seem like the Wraiths style either. Nikolai referred to a ‘her,’ earlier when we were talking. When you woke up and talked to Vince for the first time in years you talked about the advantages we have now, that you could communicate with the Wraith if you needed to. You could because she’s been in your head this whole time,” he paused, paling even more. “It’s you, you’re the Wraith.”
“Yes,” Y/n replied, seeing no point in denying it.
It felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders.
Alex sat down on the ground, “What do we do?”
“There’s nothing we can do,” Y/n replied and shot me a firm look to tell me to shut up before I could even open my mouth.
“Are you two keeping any more secrets?” he asked finally.
“No,” we both said at the same time and then shot weird glances at each other. Alex laughed quietly without humour. He was understandably hurt.
“That’s a yes then.”
We both stared at each other.
“What else are we hiding?” Y/n asked, attempting to sound confused but I saw right through it.
I paused, trying to think of something quickly, “The time you took that last cupcake.”
Y/n swatted me lightly, “Shut up, he can’t know that.”
Alex just stared at us with a blank expression, “Are you serious?”
Y/n shrugged, “Yeah, I did take that. Nik helped me cover up my crime.”
“Anything else?” Alex asked, exasperated. “I fail to see how there could be anything worse than what I already know.”
“Stuff,” I said vaguely.
Y/n frowned at me, trying to piece together what I was thinking. I met her eyes, trying to tell her I knew. I was debating saying something when she spoke.
“I’m just gonna go bother someone else,” Y/n said and left after winking at me. I sighed.
“What’s wrong?” Alex asked me.
“Nothing, everything’s great. I feel better now that you know.” I told him.
“I feel like there’s a but coming.”
I looked away, fiddling with my hands. “But Y/n’s keeping more secrets.”
“From you?” Alex sounded surprised, I didn’t blame him. We were supposed to tell each other everything.
“Like what, do you think?” Alex asked.
“Like what really happened to Lillian,” I said slowly.
“What do you mean?” Alex asked slowly.
“I think she killed her.”

1250 words

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