Chapter 34-Gone

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Newt POV

The events from the past half hour flashed through my mind. Y/n kissing me before she pushed me off the edge. Y/n slicing the rope. The girl who appeared out of nowhere next to her—The Snake. Y/n vanishing. The others pulled me with them when I tried to run back to Y/n.

Jorge led us through the burning building and we walked for a bit until we reached some old city buildings. I was too numb to care much. We weaved through people standing out in the streets. Jorge had said that Brenda would lead Thomas and Y/n to Marcus, a guy who might know where the Right Arm was. I clung to that hope, even though a voice whispered in my head that the Snake might have killed or captured them. Minho gave me a sad look but I ignored him. Jorge led us to a building and we heard music playing from within. There was a man standing out the front.

"Is that Marcus?" Frypan asked and Jorge nodded. Jorge had been quiet on the way back, worried about Brenda probably.

"Hello, Marcus," Jorge eyed him carefully. He had got a bottle of something in his hand and he took a long sip from it.

"Jorge! Old friend! How have you been?" Marcus slurred his words slightly and hit Jorge on the shoulder.

"Have you seen three kids come here recently? Black haired boy, dark brown haired girl and a h/c girl?" Jorge asked him.

"I don't think so," Marcus's face made a weird expression.

"Marcus, where are they?" Jorge demanded and moved his coat aside to reveal his gun. Marcus forced a smile.

"How could I forget? They're inside," Marcus went to leave but Jorge grabbed him and pulled him into the building. The rest of us followed quickly through the blankets that acted almost as a door. Inside people were spread out around the room, they all seemed drunk. Music washed over the dancing crowd and the awful smell of the room made me crinkle my nose.

"Spilt up in pairs or trios, we'll find them quickly that way," Jorge pulled Marcus with him into the crowd.

"I'll go with Newt and Teresa," Minho suggested and Frypan and Aris walked off somewhere else. Minho caught my worried look. "They'll be here, Newt."

The three of us weaved through the colours, I saw a flash of h/c hair and hope filled me but the girl turned around and it's not Y/n. We searched for several long minutes until Teresa gasped and ran forward. There was a boy on the ground, Minho and I shoved through the crowd after her. Thomas was unconscious on the floor and in danger of being stepped on. Together, Minho and I slung him over our shoulders and carried him back to where the others were. Frypan and Aris helped Brenda who looked like she was about to pass out. Jorge shoved his way back to us, still dragging Marcus behind him. Jorge took one look at Thomas and Brenda and turned on Marcus.

"What's wrong with them?" He demanded and grabbed Marcus by the front of his shirt.

"They must have had something to drink," Marcus laughed uneasily.

"Where's Y/n?" I scanned my eyes over the crown but my girlfriend was nowhere to be seen.

"It was only these two that came in," Marcus explained.

"What? No, she has to be here. She has h/c hair and e/c eyes, she's covered in scars," I'm overwhelmed by the panicky feeling that has flooded me. Minho put his hand on my shoulder.

"It was just these two," Marcus said again.

I removed Thomas's arm from my shoulder and moved over to Brenda.

"Brenda? Brenda, where's Y/n?" I waved my hand in her face but her eyes wandered aimlessly around the room.

"Is there somewhere upstairs we could go?" Jorge demanded. Marcus said something I can't hear over the music and we started moving through the crowd. Marcus led us up the stairs and we entered a room on the second floor. Jorge dragged out a chair to the middle of the room and forced him to sit down. He pulled rope from his bag and tied him up. Jorge seemed to be radiating silent fury.

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