Chapter 33-The Snake and the Wraith

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Livia materialised next to me. I heard the others shout in surprise.

"How did you know?" She smirked at me.

"I saw you knock that book over."

"Hm. Last chance, surrender and we won't have to hurt you," Livia moved towards me, I started moving back. I had an advantage here, I was closest to the door. Livia knew this. She wouldn't let me have it, which meant she was really an illusion.

"Yeah, I don't think so," I brought my arm up hard and smashed it against her behind me. I shoved past her and sprinted after Brenda and Thomas. I ran past people all trying to get out of the building. I turned the corner and ducked as guards shot at me. I threw myself forward and kept running. I managed to catch up to Brenda and Thomas.

"What are you doing?! You should have left!" Brenda yelled at me.

"The Snake's here!" I shouted back, "I cut the rope so she couldn't follow them. I don't know where my brother is, the Phoenix has him possessed."

Brenda swore and we ran past a table covered in paper.

"Wait!" I ran back to the table and grabbed a red marker, I found a decent piece of paper and scribbled a message. "If anything happens to me, give this to Alex at the Right Arm, he's the only one who can read it," I instructed Thomas and handed it to him, he stuffed it in his pocket.

"What's this?" He asked as we kept going.

"Alex will know," I explained.

Guards came out of nowhere and we were forced to walk on the metal frames with the floor far beneath us.

"Brenda! Where are we going?" Thomas asked her and quickly looked over his shoulder to check on me. I noticed a guard following us as we carefully balanced and walked towards the other side.

"Hurry! The song's almost over!" Brenda yelled back as she climbed over the railing. We followed Brenda and we were almost there when there was a loud explosion behind us. Fire burned brightly below us and Thomas and I had to throw ourselves forward to get into the walkway with Brenda. The roof collapsed behind us and we climbed over the railing. Blue light flew around me and threw me across the room. Thomas shouted my name.

"Go! Do as I tell you!" I shouted back and got up off the ground. Nikolai lunged at me and I ducked. I ran, trying to lead him out of the room so he couldn't get hurt by any falling debris. I slammed into an invisible wall. "Seriously?" I shouted for the blonde girl.

I felt my way around and started down a different path with my hands outstretched. My brother appeared behind me and threw his blue power at me.

"Nikolai! I know you're in there. I know you said not to do anything, but I'm going to save you!" I shouted at him. I continued running until we got to the part of the building that hadn't been blown up. It's a dead end. I stopped running and turned around. Nikolai appeared—thanks to the Snake's illusions—and pressed his hand to my head. I supposed Coralie wanted to erase more of my memory but Nikolai did the opposite.

Memories flooded back and suddenly I could remember everything, from the details on my parents' faces, to the months my siblings and I spent in the Scorch looking for the Right Arm. I gasped and collapsed.

"Coralie? Did it work?" Livia asked, I'm barely aware that she's reappeared. The pain in my head was too great to think of anything else.

'Surrender to it,' the Wraith whispered in my mind.

"No!" I cried out and Livia frowned at me.

"What's wrong with her now?" Livia asked.

"I'm not sure," Coralie spoke through Nikolai.

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