Chapter 64-Idiots

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Warnings: knives, murder mentions, blood mentions

48 days after his death

I woke up in bed, alone. Light streamed through the cracks in the curtains and lit up the room. I lay curled up in the warmth for a while before I finally broke down. I hugged my pillow tight while I cried.

Several minutes later, someone knocked loudly on the door and I heard people arguing before it opened. I sat up and wiped my face.

Kei barged in, Bella right on his heel scolding him. Leo stayed in the doorway, he was the first to notice my state. The other two noticed a couple seconds later. They both froze and then Kei spoke.

"You look worse than yesterday," he said, Bella stood on his foot hard enough for him to cry out.

Leo's face turned into a soft smile.

"Get out!" Bella shoved him towards the door.

"Alright! Alright! Crazy girl! I'm going!" he yelped and walked for the door.

"Crazy?!" Bella shrieked after him.

He ran the rest of the way and quickly closed the door. Bella cleared her throat and came and sat next to me. I sniffed and wiped at my face again.

"We've all broken down after we first got here," Bella said. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. Our lives have all been difficult in some way. Most of the Enhanced who come here are completely broken. You're different then the others. I think you've been through a lot more than most of us here. You have the feeling of a person who has had to repair themselves over and over again."

"That sounds right," I lay back down and stared at the ceiling. The tears had stopped now.

"You should get up," Bella advised. "It's nearly lunch and Élliot wants to show you around the building." I nodded and sat back up.

Bella left and opened the door. Kei had his ear pressed against it trying to listen in. She kicked him hard in the shin and dragged him away by his ear. He protested and complained the entire time. Leo quietly shut the door.

I got changed and made it to lunch. Élliot looked up as I walked into the room. He smiled as I made my way over and sat down next to him.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked.

Bella must have told him.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Looking much better, Y/n," Kei said as he sat down with Leo. Kei's ear was an angry red colour. I rolled my eyes at him.

"It's very hard not to throw you off the top of this building," I said.

"I think you'd find it very hard to do that. Plus, you're a sweet girl, you wouldn't," Kei said and looked confident in his answer.

I raised an eyebrow.

"She could throw you off the top of the building with a flick of her hand," Élliot said with a smirk.

"I really doubt it," Kei said. I rolled my eyes again.

"Wanna bet?" I challenged him.

Kei went to reply but Leo spoke.

"Kei, don't. She will win," Leo said and Kei shut his mouth slowly, thinking.

"Kei knows that Leo is always right," Élliot whispered in my ear.

"You know what? It's on," Kei said. "Knock me off the building, princess."

"Don't call me that," I said.

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