Chapter 19-Fire and Ruin

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We headed to the entrance of the maze. Everything was quiet for a moment until a loud sound echoed through the Glade, forcing some people to cover their ears. We all turned around and saw the wall on the other side of the Glade opening. Birds flew from the top of the maze, their black shapes just visible in the darkening sky. Doors on the other two walls opened as well.

"Chuck, go to the Council Hall and start barricading the doors," Thomas told the young boy.

"Winston, you go with him," Newt instructed.

"Got it," Winston said and he and Chuck ran off towards the hall.

"Get the others. told them to go to the forest. Go hide, now!" Gally ordered.

"Minho, I want you to grab every weapon you can find," Thomas said. "I'll meet you at Council Hall."

"Let's go," Minho said and some of the boys ran off with him.

"Teresa, you and I are gonna go get Alby, all right? Come on," Thomas said.

Yelling caught our attention and we saw a group of boys running away from one of the other maze entrances. We turned and saw a Griever at the end of the corridor.

"All right, everybody hide!" Thomas yelled and we started running. "Teresa!" I heard Thomas yell and I risked a glance over my shoulder. She was staring at the Griever but Thomas grabbed her, snapping her out of her trance, they ran away quickly. I looked to my right and saw that I had been separated from Newt. I turned quickly to see where he was but I couldn't see him. Thomas grabbed my arm and forced me to run faster. Our group ran into the tall grass.

"Stay down!" Thomas ordered quietly. We could hear distant screams and the shrieks of the Grievers. Out of the dark, a metal clawed tail of a Griever grabbed Zart.

"ZART!" I screamed and lunged for him but he was gone. We started moving slowly through the grass. I felt something cold grab me around my stomach and I saw the others' panicked faces. I got pulled backwards and away from them, then thrown several metres and I looked up to see the Griever advancing quickly towards me. Mind numbing fear flooded through me and I forced myself to crawl backwards. The Griever lunged forward and pinned me down, I shrieked and tried to get loose but it tightened its grip on my arms and I stopped moving from the pain. Its hideous face leaned close to me and stared into my eyes. It stayed there for several more seconds before letting me go and running off into the darkness. With no time to waste I get up and start running towards the Council Hall. I saw Thomas and the group of boys running from a Griever. I sprinted over and joined the group.

Teresa glanced at me, "You're alive!"

"Obviously!" I shouted back. "I can't lose a staring contest!"

Teresa gave me a weird look. Alby tripped and fell to the ground.

"Alby!" Thomas yelled and we quickly pulled him to his feet. "Get behind me!" Thomas instructed us.

I forced him behind me. The Griever slowed to a walk. I heard some of the Gladers muttering uneasily. Suddenly, poles came flying and slammed into the Griever. Newt, Frypan and some of the others ran towards us.

"Come on!" Thomas yelled and Newt grabbed my hand. We ran the rest of the way to the Council Hall. As soon as we were in the doors were barricaded and we backed away.

"You okay?" Newt whispered, his eyes scanning over me to check for injuries. His eyes lingered on the blood stained partially ripped sleeves of my hoodie. He frowned and went to say something but was interrupted by the whirring noises from the Grievers right outside. It was quiet for a moment until something brushed against the roof of the hall. Everyone moved back, Newt held my hand tightly. The tail of a Griever smashed through the roof and knocked down the middle pole. The falling wood buried people. I got a vivid flashback of my house collapsing. Hands pulled me out and back from the gaping hole in the roof. I looked up and saw Newt, he pulled me to my feet and I grabbed his hand.

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