Chapter 81-More Confusion

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Warnings: fighting, guns, kidnapping, pain


I parked the car on the outside of the city. Climbing out, I adjusted my sunglasses and peered up and the intact city surrounded by a wall.
"Having second thoughts?" Élliot asked me, floating through the car.
"Nope, just imagining it burning," I answered and shut the door.
I left the keys on the top, since I wouldn't need it anymore.
I walked through the ruined streets that surrounded the wall, humming along to a song I had heard on the radio. I kept my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket.
"What's the plan?" Élliot asked, easily keeping up.
"Front door," I answered, tilting my head to survey the buildings I was passing by. This city was far more populated than anything I had seen outside of movies.
Clothes dried in string that went between the old brick buildings. Everything was a shade of brown or grey, the dusty street to all the clothes that the people were wearing.
With my mostly pitch black outfit, cargo pants and a black leather jacket, I was starting to draw attention. Not that I minded, it would all add to a dramatic entrance. The Wraith had picked the sunglasses up from somewhere during her last bout of control.
"Watch this," I said and focused my abilities.
Drums started playing over the various speakers in the street. Everyone paused, staring around to see where music was coming from. The melody line came a few seconds later.
"Rasputin?" Élliot asked, sounding amused.
I nodded.
"Why that song?"
"It's stuck in my head."

I passed people loading bagged bodies into a trailer to be burnt. Ragged people watched from the sides of the streets like vultures. Their eyes latched on to me as I passed. The initial confusion to the music had faded and people continued their daily business.
I walked with confidence. As a result, the crowd parted for me.
"May I just say, you look incredibly beautiful today," Élliot said.
"Don't I always?" I asked.
"Always, mon ange," Élliot answered.
I smirked at him and then stopped. "Is that..."
On one of the walls was a mural of a girl in a ghost mask. On the ground in front of it were piles of jewellery.
"You're a goddess here," Élliot explained, "They worship you."
The Wraith was pleased with that.
Moments later, we passed a man telling a story to some children. He used puppets to illustrate the story.
"-and then, the almighty Wraith drew herself up to her full height," he said, forcing the ghost to rise higher. "And she said to Wicked...can you guess what?"
The children all leaned forward eagerly.
"Kneel," the man whispered.
"Dramatic," I whispered to Élliot. "Maybe I'll steal that line."
We continued on.

I turned down an alley.
"What are you doing?" Élliot asked.
"Gonna see if I can get into their systems from out here," I answered, shutting my eyes.
The electricity pulsing from the city was overwhelming. I separated the radio signals from the camera ones. The song I was playing was jamming the system with noise, interrupting the different signals.
"Y/n," Élliot interrupted. "There's soldiers coming for you."
I sighed and opened my eyes.
Immediately, I knew they weren't with Wicked. A dark haired man led them, his face harsh.
"You look a little lost, girl. Are you by chance from inside the walls?" he asked, eyeing my clothes.
I pushed down my sunglasses and looked over them. "Can I help you?"
"Well, we're looking for a way to open the city. You look important and therefore can be offered for negotiations," the man explained, stepping closer.
I laughed, "I'm not from the city."
"Wait," said one of the soldiers, stepping past the man. "Y/n?"
I frowned, studying the soldier. He definitely looked familiar.
"Do I know you?" I asked.
He took his mask off.
I froze.
"Oh, I forgot to mention that," Élliot said in the silence.
I snapped out of my daze to glare at him. Élliot shrugged and continued looking at the soldiers.
"Y/n?" Gally asked.
"Sorry. Just give me a second," I replied, trying to process.
I turned to whisper to Élliot, "He's alive?"
Élliot nodded.
"This is ridiculous," I whispered, glancing back at him.
"Who are you talking to?" Gally asked.
"Uh, that's a long story," I said distractedly. "Can we focus on the fact that I put a knife in your heart?"
"A group found me and patched me up. They brought me here," Gally explained quickly. "You turn, why aren't you with Thomas, Newt and Fry?"
I paused, "Wait, they aren't here, are they?"
Gally frowned, "We just saw them."
I groaned loudly and covered my face, "Why? Why do they have to be so stupid?"
"What?" Gally asked.
I started walking, "Where did you see them?"

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