Chapter 18-The Way Out

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The next morning, Newt and I got up early to see Minho and Thomas off. They were about to go into the maze to search section seven. We watched them run into the maze and vanish around the corner.

"We should get started with the garden," Newt said.

"I'm going to wake Teresa and she can come with us," I told him and he nodded. I walked back to the Homestead and into Alby's room. Since Alby was in the Med-jack hut, his room was currently empty and Teresa was staying in it. Teresa was wrapped up in blankets, her black hair spread over the pillow. I shook her gently and she stirred and looked up at me.

"Rise and shine sweetheart, you're coming to work with Newt and I in the gardens."

"Okay," she said and got out of bed. I turned around while she got changed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. "Everything can be very overwhelming at first."

"I'm alright, I think I just need time to adjust to it."

Teresa finished getting changed and together we walked to the gardens, she asked questions along the way.

"How long have you been here?" She questioned.

"About ten months I think, some of the others have been here three years."

"When did you and Newt get together?" This question surprised me, I was only expecting questions about the maze and glade. I answered it anyway.

"Three months ago, we took ages to get together," we both laughed.

"Okay I have to ask, do you remember Thomas?" I asked. I saw hesitation on her face. "You can trust me, I won't tell the others except for Newt. I can't keep secrets from him."

"I had strange dreams last night, Thomas has also been having dreams. He doesn't think they're dreams, he thinks they're memories."

I froze and stared at her. "What are your dreams like?"

"At one point I was in this water, there were people staring at me. Another time I was at some sort of desk and I saw Thomas across the room. I saw you," Teresa told me.

"Me? What was I doing?"

"They were dragging you into the room and you were looking over your shoulder and yelling at this other girl."

"What did she look like? Dark hair?" I asked and she gave me a weird look.

"Yeah? How did you know that?" She questioned.

"I've had dreams about her, she murdered my brother."

"What else do you remember?"

"Not much that makes sense. I lived in a house by the ocean with my family I think? Well at least with my brother and then the girl I was yelling at in your dream, her name is Coralie, she betrayed us or something and we had to leave. Another thing I can remember is that Coralie killed my brother," I said.

"I'm sorry," she reached up to put her hand on my shoulder.

"I don't even remember their faces."

"That's strange, are they not there or something?"

"No, they're blurry and I can't make much out beyond hair colour," I said, irritated.

"Weird, the faces in my dreams weren't blurry. Coralie had her boyfriend and his sister with her and she had a scar down the left half of her face."

I clung to these new pieces of information about my brother's killer. Dark hair, scar on the left side of her face, she knew us but betrayed us, she had a boyfriend who had a sister. I looked up as we reached the garden, Newt was already there clipping one of the vines.

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