Chapter 17-It Rains Rocks

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The girl, who was currently hiding at the top of the watchtower, threw a rock that narrowly missed Newt. Other objects rained down upon us. I couldn't help it, I laughed. Chuck was standing a safe distance away and laughing loudly. Thomas, Minho and the Med-jacks came running over.

"I like her!" I announced. Newt looked at me like I was crazy. Which I probably was, considering I had a strange person talking to me in my dreams.

"Chuck, what's going on?" I heard Thomas ask the young boy.

"Girls are awesome," he laughed and pointed at the girl.

"Leave me alone!" She yelled down at us.

"Watch your head!"

"Hey, throw one more of those things—OW!" Gally yelled as something hit his head.

"Go away!" The girl screamed.

"We come in peace!" Frypan yelled up at her.

What happened?" Thomas asked.

"Just duck!"

"I don't think she likes us very much," Newt said and pulled me under a makeshift shield. I laughed again.

"What do you want from me?" She yelled down.

"We just wanna talk!" Thomas yelled back.

"I'm warning you!" She shrieked.

"Take cover y'all! Take cover!" Frypan yelled.

"Hey, it's Thomas! It's Thomas!" Thomas yelled up at her, shielding his head from the projectiles. Suddenly they stopped and I saw the black haired girl peak over the edge of the tower.

"I'm gonna come up, okay?" Thomas asked her but received silence in return.

"Okay, just me," Thomas started climbing up the ladders. I heard faint voices from the top. I turned to look at Newt who frowned up with them. We stood there for a couple minutes, waiting for something.

"What's going on up there? Is she coming down?" Newt called up.

"Listen, you guys just give us a second, okay?" Thomas called back.

"All right, come on," Newt grabbed my hand and led us away.

"Are all girls this crazy or is it just you two?" Frypan asked, I gave him a look and he scampered away quickly. Newt laughed, he led us over to the shade of the trees and we sat and watched the two people talking at the top of the tower. I rested my head against the trunk of the tree.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Newt wondered.

"Let's see," I squinted at them and pretended to read their lips.

"Oh Thomas, you're so handsome! You're the only one who is worthy of not being hit with rocks and food!" I said with a bad imitation of the girl's voice. Newt laughed loudly and pulled me into a hug. We sat the next couple minutes in comfortable silence until Newt frowned.

"What?" I asked him.

"Do you find Thomas attractive?" He asked. I stared at him and laughed.

"He could be worse I suppose, but you're the one I find the most attractive out of all the boys in the Glade," I told him. Newt smirked and pulled me into a kiss. Some of the boys whistled. I laughed and cuddled closer to Newt. We looked up to see the girl and Thomas walking across the grass to us. I stood up and helped Newt up as well.

"This is Y/n and Newt. Newt's in charge at the moment," Thomas said and then gestured at the girl, "This is Teresa."

"Hi," I said, giving her a smile.

"Hi, sorry for the rocks," Teresa said.

"No matter, the boys need something to keep them in line."

She laughed. Thomas pulled two vials of blue liquid out of his pocket.

"These were in her pocket when she came up, I was thinking maybe we should try one on Alby."

"What? We don't even know what this stuff is," Newt said. "We don't know who sent it, or why it came up here with you. For all we know, this thing could kill him."

"He's already dying," Thomas countered.

Newt went quiet, thinking. I laced my fingers with his. "I think it's worth a shot," I told him quietly and he looked at me and sighed.

"Okay, come on," he gestured for Minho to follow us and when he came over we explained what we were going to do.

We reached the Med-jack hut and entered it. Newt explained to Clint and Jeff while I watched Alby. Black veins had spread over his body and he was breathing heavily.

"All right," Newt said as Thomas held one of the vials in his hand. "Do it."

"Okay," Thomas said and got in position to administer the liquid. Alby's head lifted suddenly and he grabbed Thomas.

"You shouldn't be here! You shouldn't be here!" He shrieked.

The rest of us grabbed him and tried to free Thomas from his grip.

"Get the syringe! Let go!" Newt yelled.

Teresa grabbed it and stabbed it into Alby, Alby immediately released Thomas and fell unconscious.

"Okay, from now on, someone stays here and watches him around the clock," Newt instructed the Med-jacks.

"Hey," we turned to see Gally at the door, "Sundown, Greenie. Time to go."

Thomas nodded and followed Gally out.

"Let's get dinner," I said to the three other people.

"Good idea," Newt grabbed my hand and Minho and Teresa followed us out. Dinner went by rather uneventfully and after Newt showed Teresa where she can sleep, we went back to our room. I kicked off my boots and stretched, I saw Newt looking at my burn scar and I held my shirt up to look at it.

"Hideous isn't it?"

Newt's eyes snapped up and searched my face, "No, nothing about you is hideous."

I gave him a sad smile and went to get into bed but Newt's hand grabbed my arm.

"I'm not lying. You're really pretty," he said softly. I scoffed and looked away. In the corner of my eye I saw him frown and then I got pulled hard against him and he kissed me passionately. We were both breathless by the time he pulled away.

"I was only looking because I hate the idea that you've been through so much pain," he whispered.

"I don't even remember it," I said back.


I laid down on the bed and patted the space next to me. He laid down next to me and cuddled close to me.

"I love you," he murmured into my hair.

"I love you too," I replied.

1005 words

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