Chapter 43-Fire and Storm

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Warnings: the return of Y/n kicking people, fighting, a bit of death, a really bad Harry Potter reference/joke, family bickering/disowning, grief, talk of murder, Y/n terrorising people with her illusions, descriptions of pain, burns and blood, Élliot trying to flirt.

Newt POV

"What?" Tommy was the first to say something, "Who's she?"
Y/n looked like she wanted to hit him, but managed to hold back her annoyance. "It's rather obvious."
Tommy frowned for a second and then his lips made an 'o.'
"So," Y/n started, she kept her eyes fixed on the Phoenix. "Run."
"But-" I protested, she gripped my hand tightly and cut me off.
"French weirdo?"
"You are lucky I like you," grumbled Élliot, moving to her side. "What do you need?"
"Take them to Nik," instructed Y/n. "I'm going to deal with her."
The dark haired girl that was Y/n's sister started towards us. This was a horrible plan.
"Run!" Y/n snapped, shoving me. Tommy grabbed my arm and pulled me away. Alex hesitated but Y/n kicked him and he jumped back.
Fire whipped through the air towards us, Y/n easily deflected it. Élliot herded us down the street. The Phoenix came around the corner in front of us, making us stop. She strolled towards us with a smirk on her face.
"Why is she walking?" Tommy yelled.
"Cause she can-" Alex started, Coralie appeared in front of us in a flash of red, "-teleport."
We turned in a different direction and sprinted down a new street but another girl came into view, she raised her hands and projectiles formed in the air and hurled towards us. Alex threw up a shield. Lightning crackled in the Phoenix's direction. Metal sliced through the air, narrowly missing her. In retaliation she sent more fire back at Y/n.
"Surrender," Coralie called, I could hear the amusement as if this was a game of tag. We kept running, weaving our way through ruined streets as Y/n and her sister fought behind us.
It was incredible, I'd never seen two Enhanced fight like this. The very air was alive around us, like lightning could just explode from it. Heat wave after heat wave washed over us. I'd somehow found myself holding Aaliyah's arm, making sure she didn't get left behind. Alex swore loudly as a berg appeared out from behind a building. A bolt of lightning struck it almost immediately. It smashed into a nearby building causing it to fall across the street and blocking the way. We all turned to look back at Y/n but there was nothing to see but fire.
Coralie appeared a moment later with the other Enhanced. Alex sighed, and looked back and forth between them and the burning building. Two buildings blocked either side of the street and we were sandwiched between them and the burning ruins. The entrances to the buildings were blocked off with debris.
"We have to surrender," Alex said just as Élliot moved to put himself between them and us.
"What?" I said, shocked at the suggestion.
"We don't have a choice," Alex argued, looking drained. I hadn't noticed how dark the marks under his eyes were until now. His ability was taking its toll.
"Surrender!" Coralie yelled again and Alex rolled his eyes.
"Would you give us a minute! We're trying to work out a plan!" Alex yelled at her, we all stared at him. He shrugged. "Just buying us some time. Ember's ability is most useful close to the Enhanced, the Phoenix could easily just teleport and attack her. I can't protect all of us at the same time."
"What about Vince?" I asked. Alex pulled out the radio and pressed down the button.
"Uhh, hey dad?" He asked. Silence answered him.
Where was Y/n? Was, I didn't want to think about that.
"Maybe try a different channel," Ember snapped. Alex changed the channel and repeated the message, he got silence in response. He sighed frustratedly and went to put it away.
"Try again," I said. He raised an eyebrow.
"Fine, one more time," Alex pressed the button down again, "Vince? It's Alex, we ran into the Phoenix. Is there any chance we could get some help? God, please, someone. I mean, come on, Wicked's evil."
Silence responded to him for a couple long seconds. He gave me a look and went to turn it off.
"What am I? Your guardian angel?," a voice answered. Alex froze. We all stared at him. "Look up."
We did, leaning over one of the balconies was a boy. He grinned wolfishly and jumped over the railing, landing with a flash of blue energy. He stood up straight and swaggered towards us. His h/c hair ruffling in the wind. Nikolai. Y/n's brother. His eyes were no longer red. He was out of the Phoenix's control.
"Miss me, Alexander?" he winked at Alex, who just gaped at him. "If this guardian angel thing is gonna become a full-time thing, I'm gonna need a pair of wings and a halo."
His eyes snagged on Élliot, "Dunno who you are."
"Élliot," he introduced himself, "Y/n probably told you about me."
"Indeed," Nikolai's gaze hardened, but he turned around and shot a disgusted look at the Phoenix, "Phoenix," was all he said.
"Little brother," she smirked at him.
"Actually, no, we disowned you," Nikolai announced with all the confidence in the world. Alex stared at him as if he'd grown another head.
"What?" The Phoenix frowned at him.
"Yeah," Nikolai shrugged and slung an arm over Alex. Alex jolted, his hand immediately rising to grasp Nikolai's. Nikolai intertwined their hands with ease, rubbing Alex's reassuringly. The Phoenix rolled her eyes at Nikolai and her expression suddenly became colder.
"Where is she?" she demanded, any trace of amusement was gone.
"Where's who?" Nikolai inspected his nails and picked dirt from under them.
"You know who," the Phoenix snarled.
"Voldemort?!" Nikolai gasped dramatically and faked shock. Alex snorted to cover his laugh and Nikolai's head whipped back to look at him, Nikolai gave him a smile before he turned around. Alex blushed again and I raised my eyebrow at him. He looked away quickly.
"Livia! Where is Livia?" The Phoenix demanded. They really did remind me of sibling bickering, except this was far more extreme. "Take this seriously."
"Nah, thanks," Nikolai replied. "As to Livia, Y/n really did hold her end of the bargain."
"I don't believe you," she said.
Nikolai just smiled at her, it didn't reach his eyes, "Y/n didn't slit her throat."
The Phoenix frowned at him, "Where is she?"
Nikolai rolled his eyes at his sister, "You're not listening. In exchange for freeing me, Y/n wouldn't slit the Snake's throat."
The Phoenix froze, her eyes widening as she understood what he meant. The breath hitched in my throat as I understood as well.
A scream tore through the streets, the Phoenix whipped around immediately.
"Cora! Help me!" the voice screamed, getting closer. The Phoenix spun around, trying to find the owner of the voice.
Nikolai laughed softly, his hair shaking with the movement. "Bit much, isn't it Y/n?"
Images swirled through the air around us. The Snake, terrified and screaming for the Phoenix and the Wolf.
"Of course not," Y/n said, suddenly by my side.
I stumbled back, startled. A pained look wavered across her face.
The Phoenix looked at Y/n with pure hatred. Y/n started forward, moving in front of the group where Élliot was.
"You really have to stop underestimating me," she called and lunged at the Phoenix. Lightning flashed from Y/n's hands as she blocked the Phoenix's attacks. The other Enhanced started forward to help the Phoenix but a sharp piece of metal slammed through her heart and killed her instantly. She crumpled to the ground, eyes wide open.
Nikolai removed his arm from around Alex and turned to us. "I gotta help my sister, you take Aaliyah and Archie away from here."
"Archie?" Alex demanded and Nikolai waved his hand at the balcony and a boy's head peeked over the railing. He jumped a second later and Nikolai caught him with blue energy. Archie ran and threw his arms around Alex.
"Go," Nikolai said and ran forward to help Y/n.

Y/n's POV
Everything was hurting. Literally every part of my body ached. Why were my teeth hurting? I wasn't sure.
I deflected another ball of fire and lifted myself into the air by manipulating the air currents. Fire swirled around the Phoenix as she managed to also lift herself off the ground. I didn't pause to wonder how that was possible. I shot lightning at her, blue light also shot towards Coralie.
Nikolai? Why was he still here?
The idiot should have run with the others. I heard shouts and shot a quick glance towards my friends, who had only made it halfway down the street before another Berg had appeared. The Berg shot at them but a red shield protected them. I noticed Alex had stayed behind, probably to help. Idiot. I blocked another attack and mustered what little energy I had left to unleash a lightning bolt that slammed into the Berg and sent it spiralling towards a building. The Berg slammed into it with a loud explosion.
A flash of orange light caught my attention in the corner of my eye and I quickly shielded myself. Too late, I was knocked out of the sky, I hurtled back towards the ground. Something wrapped around my waist and slowed my fall. I landed in someone's arms. Pain ripped through me. Sky blue eyes met mine.
"Falling for me already, mon ange?" Élliot asked.
"Nope, just dying," I answered and coughed, blood dripped down my chin.
Élliot carried me over to Alex and set me on the ground. My friends had come running back as well. "Idiots, run away," I muttered. Newt's warm brown eyes filled my vision before Alex pushed him out of the way so he could heal me. I watched Élliot go off to help my brother. My eyes started to flutter shut but Alex shook me.
"Hey! Hey, you're gonna stay awake. You have that damn good explanation to give me," Alex continued, healing the burn. Thomas gagged and looked away. I forced my hand to find Newt's. I wrapped my fingers around his and tilted my head to look at him. He was extremely pale, trying not to look at the burn.
"Could be worse," I managed and he gave me a look. The world started to blur and sound faded and darkness began to close in on my vision. Newt and Alex shook me but I couldn't stay awake any more.

Alex POV
Y/n slipped into unconsciousness just as I finished healing the burn. I checked her pulse, it was weak, but still there.
"She'll be okay," I told Newt. He pulled her into his lap. I stood up and whipped the blood from my hands. Élliot had managed to get a vine to wrap around the Phoenix's foot and forced her to the ground. Nikolai helped to attack her. Somehow, they were winning. Coralie let out an angry scream and vanished in a crackle of red energy. Both of the boys rushed over to us. Nikolai dropped to his knees next to Newt and checked her pulse. He looked visibly relieved when he found it. He stood up and turned to the other boy.
"Well, Élliot. Thanks for the help," Nikolai offered his hand to shake, but the other boy ignored it.
"I did not do it for you, I did it for her," he gestured to Y/n. He had a French accent.
"Why?" Nikolai asked. "She's so annoying."
"Hey," Newt snapped at him. Nikolai shot him a look to shut him up.
"Why did you help my sister?" Nikolai asked Élliot again. Élliot winked in response. "What's that supposed to mean?" Nikolai demanded.
"You'll see, if you live long enough to do so," Élliot smirked.
"You don't seem much like a Corrupt," Nikolai said. I tensed and stared at the boy.
"I am Corrupt, I'm only not killing you because she wouldn't like it," Élliot frowned at Y/n. "Take good care of her, if anything happens to her. I'll be coming for you."
Élliot turned and left, Nikolai stared after him before he turned around.
"He's kinda weird," Nikolai said finally. I stared at him for a moment and then lunged at him. I grabbed him by his shirt. I was taller than him now.
In response to my outburst, he reached up and awkwardly patted my shoulder.
"I'm sorry," he whispered and I loosened my grip.
I pulled him into a fierce hug, he made a startled noise but returned it. My eyes slid shut as I buried my face into his neck.
"I thought I lost you," I mumbled, my voice cracking.
"I'm here now," he replied, rubbing my back. My skin tingled where he touched.

2200 words

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