Chapter 73-What Now?

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Warnings: mentions of death, blood, dead bodies.

I listened as best as I could as Élliot explained. Nothing felt real anymore. Élliot was dead. I could see him and a bunch of other dead people. I was trapped in the Glade again. And now my siblings weren't actually dead.
"They have a shapeshifter," Élliot explained gently. "Check your jacket pocket."
He kneeled beside my bed, where I was curled up and crying silently.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a familiar necklace. Lillian's locket.
"The Phoenix came up with the idea," Élliot said, "'Three times you have fallen for the trick,' or whatever she said."
"The three times she tricked me into thinking my sibling died," I realised, pulling my knees closer to my chest. In doing so, I realised someone had healed my leg.
"So, they're okay?" I asked, scared of the answer. I wasn't sure if I even believed this at all.
Élliot nodded. He'd already apologised a thousand times for what he had hidden. I couldn't find the energy to even be mad at him. My heart pounded with newfound hope.
"I have to get out of here," I said out loud.
Élliot nodded, "We'll think of something."
I scooted back, patting the space next to me. I didn't bother to lift the blankets that were over the top of me.
Élliot looked relieved as he climbed onto the bed, laying on his side and facing me.
"I'm choosing to ignore this and think in the morning," I announced, closing my eyes.
"Alright," he whispered.

163 days after his 'death'

Weeks passed painfully slowly. I put the locket on and hardly ever took it off. The plants had mainly all sprouted but only some were ready for harvest. I had been living off radishes, carrots and rocket for days now. The Box didn't go down at all. I was trapped here, without supplies.
Élliot was with me almost constantly, keeping me company as I went about the daily tasks. It was the same thing over and over again but the routine was comforting.
I would get up, eat breakfast, work in the garden until midday and then work on an assortment of things.
I had been skipping lunch to preserve my food until I could make it more stable. I had created several more gardens in the shade to eventually use. I collected weapons and tools that were lying around the Glade and piled them into a spare room in the Homestead.
After the sun fell, I would eat dinner and talk with everyone and then sleep.
Everything was normal until one afternoon.
I had just finished harvesting more radishes when a loud thud caught my attention.
Élliot snapped up, staring at the wall.
"Pack a bag," he ordered, "Food, water, clothes and weapons."
I did as told, snatching the rest of the vegetables and running towards the Homestead. I flung open the door, scrambling to the kitchen for a bag. I shoved containers of food into it and bottles of water.
"It's a boy, Corrupt," Alby said from the doorway, "He was there when Élliot died."
I swore and hurried upstairs. I stuffed clothes and the few medical supplies I had straight into the bag. Thankfully, it wasn't too heavy and I was still able to move easily. I headed for the weapons room next and picked out several that were easy to carry. Several knives and a longer blade that Minho used to use sometimes.
Something smashed into the building, knocking me to the ground. I froze, keeping quiet.
Alby floated through the floor. He reappeared a moment later, gesturing for me to come. I crept forward, keeping close to the floor in case one of the boy's monsters looked through the window. Alby led me down the staircase and out the back door.
"You should get to the maze," he said, floating in front of me as I snuck along the side of the house.
Élliot appeared from around the corner. He grimaced, looking at the gap in the wall the monster had created.
"You're going to have to run," he said, "We need a distraction."
I scanned the ground near me, spotting a rock. I picked it up, aiming for a tree. I threw it hard, sending it into the tree with a loud thud.
The monster shrieked, coming around the side and rushing for the source of the sound.
Élliot looked around the other side of the house, gesturing for me to come. I did, moving quicker now.
"Run!" Élliot said and I did.
I sprinted straight for the hole, ignoring the shrieks of the monster and the snapping of the tree as it attacked it.
"Y/n Y/l/n!" the boy roared after me.
I ignored him.
"You deserve to die!"
I was almost there.
"Why did you betray us? You were our friend!"
I ignored the confusion I felt. The monster was following me now, thudding across the grass.
Some of the ghost Gladers cheered me on.
I reached the maze, finding it easier to run on the stone.
"Which way?" I called.
Alby floated up into the sky and started yelling directions. I followed them the best I could, trying to outrun the monster. As far as I knew, there was only one way out of the maze and I didn't have the key.
Finally, I reached section seven and sprinted through the Blades. The monster was hot on my tail, crashing into the metal sheets sticking into the sky.
"Keep going," Élliot called over the groans of the metal. "Almost there!"
I finally reached the part of the maze that Thomas and Minho had found ages ago.
I didn't need a key after all. The wall was broken and the door torn open. I darted through it, running down the corridor to the exit sign.
The monster crashed into the wall, howling in anger.
I shoved the door open, ignoring the mess of blood and people. I headed straight for the exit, blown open already. Seconds later, I was out and running across the sand and towards the distant ruined skyscrapers.
"What do I do?" I yelled, hearing the monster roaring inside the maze still. It wouldn't be long until it got out.
"Keep running!" Élliot encouraged, "If you get far enough, the machine that is suppressing your abilities won't work."
"I hate running!" I snapped at him, already tired.
"Shut up and run!" Élliot snapped back, floating easily along.
The monster shrieked in the distance and the sound of the door being torn apart even further made me run faster. Already, I could feel the Wraith growing stronger, stretching out her influence.
Alby floated down to join us as I struggled up a sand dune.
Finally, I felt the machine grow weak enough for me to teleport a little. The monster was right behind me, barely a dozen metres between us. I focused on getting to the city. The ground tilted and I opened my eyes, feeling the cool shade wash over me. I started walking, taking a moment to breathe. Élliot and Ably caught up a moment later.
"What now?" I asked, looking around at the decimated buildings.
"The Right Arm," Élliot said as if it was obvious.
I groaned, kicking a loose rock in frustration. They were the last people I wanted to see. I would prefer Ratman over them, and that said a lot. Though I would prefer Ratman so I could kill him.
"Start walking, mon ange," Élliot said.

1300 words

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