The Other Hulk

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Y/N Banner is the brother of Doctor Bruce Banner aka Hulk. Similar to his brother, Y/N can also turn into the Hulk but he gets more mad than his brother. Since Bruce is Hulk, Y/N got the name Goliath. 

Y/N has been on a mission with everyone but Clint and Nat as Steve doesn't want them to get hurt because Y/N has a tendency to kick people while he is Goliath. 

No one has been able to calm him down when he is Goliath so they usually have to wait until he naturally calms down. 

Y/N joined his brother in the Avengers after Steve and Natasha took down Hydra and SHIELD. They don't take him on a lot of missions considering he causes a lot of damage but when they really need him they will take him. 

Y/N has a crush on Natasha but due to his brother also liking her, he hasn't made a move. Natasha also likes Y/N but wants him to make the first move but she thinks he is too awkward to do it.

The Avengers are currently raiding a Hydra base in Sokovia to find Loki's scepter while Y/N stays on the plane till they need him.

Natasha's grunts come through the comms as she tries to fight off some soldiers. She starts to get overwhelmed.

"Guys I need a little help."

"I'm coming where are you?"


The roars of Goliath cut her off as everyone looks around for the angry beast.

"Who told him to turn?"

"No one!"

Steve starts running towards Natasha only to watch as she is picked up by Goliath who kicks all the guys away before putting her down and running off to destroy more. 



Tony blasts the beast who grabs him before kicking him away and destroying bunkers relentlessly. 

"Call in Veronica Tony."

"Oh because that was so effective last time."

"Do you have a better option?"

Tony calls in Veronica and punches Goliath who looks at him angrily before tearing off the suit and kicking Tony again.

"Just like last time."

Goliath runs off roaring as the others keep fighting while trying to figure out a plan. 

"Thor and I will head inside and-"

Steve is cut off when Goliath kicks him running off laughing as he jumps on a bunker again. Steve grunts as he gets off the floor.

"Every time."

Goliath sees a blur heading towards Natasha, he roars following it and before it can touch her he kicks it away. She looks up at the beast as it grunts.

"Thanks big guy."

He runs off destroying more as he heads toward the main building. 

"Guys Goliath is heading towards the building are you done?"

"Yeah we are on the way out now."

Steve and Tony leave the building since Thor had to take Clint to the Quinjet. Hulk rushes after Goliath and they get in a fight.

The others head to the jet knowing Bruce calms himself down and it will be a while for Y/N to calm down. 

The Hydra agents start running towards the Quinjet, some of them being squished by the fighting beasts.

Hulk lands next to the Quinjet after Goliath kicks him away to continue his journey of smashing. Bruce groans as he turns back to himself walking into the Quinjet. 

"That didn't work."

"He is gonna hurt a lot of people."

"Well Veronica is destroyed once again and he will kick any of us if we go near him."

"Well Nat and I can't take him on, he'd kill us. Right Nat?"

They all turn to look at the only girl of the team to see she isn't there.

"Natasha where are you?"

"Finding Goliath."

"Nat that is a suicide mission, get back here."

"No Steve, I'm doing this. He hasn't hurt me yet today so I'd say I'm our best chance."

"There are Hydra agents coming this way."

Natasha sees a group of agents heading her way so she takes out her gun before realising she is out of bullets.


The agents raise their guns at her with smirks on their faces. She takes a deep breath.


Goliath stops his destruction of the castle running to Nat's aid kicking the agents away killing them. 

She follows him as he destroys some more bunkers that he missed as he jumps up and down on them all. She is carrying Y/N's clothes knowing when he changes back, he will be naked. 

"Hey big guy."

Goliath looks at her and roars loudly hurting everyone's ears since Nat has her comms on.

"Right got it no comms."

She takes it from her ear throwing it on the floor in front of him so he repeatedly stomps on it. She holds her hand out to him and he looks at her confused as he grunts.

"Show me your hand big guy."

Goliath ignores her going back to stomping so she walks closer to him quietly so he won't hurt her. She kneels on the ground as he watches her, he gently pokes her making her fall onto her back as he laughs.

She looks up at him as he leans over her before picking her up and holding her in his hand close to his face.

She gently strokes his cheek making him start to blink so she quickly jumps down landing in her pose as he stumbles back into a crater. 

Y/N lays in the crater shivering as Natasha throws his clothes into the crater covering her eyes. Y/N gets dressed quickly and climbs out looking awkwardly at Natasha.


"No problem."

They both walk back to the Quinjet in silence and as Y/N walks on behind her, everyone looks in shock. He curls in a ball on the ground listening to music as the others look at Nat.


"How did you calm him down? No one has ever been able to do that before."

She just shrugs before walking over to him and sits by his head rubbing his back. She pulls a blanket down from the seat and puts it over him as he rests his head on her lap. 

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