A Halloween Surprise

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When Y/N was a kid he was never allowed to celebrate Halloween because of his parents being very protective over their only son.

The idea of their son going out late at night to stranger's houses to get candy that could be laced with different things or have blades in them scared them. 

So Y/N never celebrated Halloween and the older he got the more he lost interest in the holiday and he chose to treat the day like every other day. 

One week before Halloween, Lizzie and Scarlett are sitting on the couch in Y/N and Lizzie's sitting room since the two just moved into together a week ago.

"So what are you doing for Halloween?"

"Well me and Colin are going as Wonder Woman and Superman, Rose is being Elsa and Cosmo is gonna be a little pumpkin. We'll watch Halloween movies until it's dark enough to take them trick or treating."

"Aww that sounds like so much fun."

"I take it you and Y/N will be avoiding the holiday."

"Why would we do that?"

Lizzie looks at her friend confused. Scarlett raises an eyebrow in return.

"Because Y/N never celebrated Halloween as a kid and lost interest as an adult?"

Lizzie's face falls at the news that her boyfriend never had the joy of Halloween. 

"He never told you?"

"No he didn't..."

"I'm sure he had a reason to."

That night, Lizzie decides it's time to change Y/N's thoughts about Halloween. Y/N walks into the bedroom climbing in behind his sleeping girlfriend and pulling her into him. Lizzie snuggles close to him with a smile on her face.

The next morning, Lizzie is the first awake and making Halloween themed pancakes. Y/N walks groggily down to the kitchen towards Lizzie before wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Why are you making Halloween pancakes?"

"Because it's six days till Halloween."

Y/N shrugs as he moves over to the fridge to get a bottle of water. Lizzie watches him with a sad look which he notices upon turning around.

"What's wrong baby?"

He walks over to her and wraps his arms around her before kissing her head. 

"How come you never told me about how you don't celebrate Halloween."

Y/N sighs.

"Scarlett blabbed didn't she?"

"Yes. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't think it's that big of a deal."

He shrugs and she cups his face.

"Well we're gonna change that starting with Halloween themed pancakes and then we can get decorations and pick out costumes. Then decorate the house and buy pumpkins. Oh I know the best place for pumpkins, you'll love it. And we can watch movies and go out trick or treating."

Y/N watches as Lizzie plates the food while she rambles on about all the stuff they are going to do making him smile. She notices her boyfriend staring and scrunches her nose making him smile wider.

"Why are you staring?"

"You're cute when you ramble."

She giggles wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him softly which he gladly returns. After the two finish their breakfast, the two get dressed in matching outfits per Lizzie's request before heading to Party City.

The two walk inside hand in hand as they start walking around. While walking past an animatronic, Lizzie gets a fright and Y/N laughs making her pout.

"It's not funny."

"I'm sorry but I want this one now."

She crosses her arms grumpily as Y/N picks up the animatronic and putting it in their cart. The more they walk around the store, the more decorations Y/N starts picking up.

Y/N is walking ahead of Lizzie after he kept putting stuff in the cart. He stops by the costumes before holding up two costumes.

"I think we should do this for our couple's costume."

"Absolutely not."

"Why not? You'd make a cute Luigi."

"Ok 1. I'd be Mario and 2. I want a cute couple's costume so put them back."

Y/N puts them back before looking at more costumes picking up another two and smiling at Lizzie who immediately shakes her head.

"No Y/N, we're not going as ketchup and mustard."


He puts them back with a pout before picking up another two.

"What about these?"

Lizzie looks away from the costumes she was looking at to see her boyfriend holding Rapunzel and Flynn Rider costumes.

"Those are the ones."

He smiles happily, running over to the trolley and putting them in before kissing Lizzie on the cheek. After the two pay for the items, the two head to the place Lizzie suggested for pumpkins.

The two arrive, parking the car before walking over a bridge that has goat enclosures underneath. The two pay the entry fee before Y/N orders a hot chocolate and Lizzie orders a pumpkin spice latte. 

The two walk around holding hands before Lizzie notices Y/N isn't watching where he is walking, instead looking at little kids playing around making him smile.

"Our kid is going to be so cute running around here one day."

Lizzie smiles at Y/N, hugging him arm tighter as he turns to look at her, kissing her softly. Lizzie leads the way to a ride along tractor that takes them to a pumpkin patch, the two walking around before finding two pumpkins.

Once the two have their pumpkins, they head home to watch horror movies as they carve their pumpkins. The two then decorate their house before it starts getting dark. 

Lizzie is heading to her room before the animatronic Y/N bought jumps out at her making her scream as Y/N comes out laughing from the closet.


"It was cute!"

She pouts folding her arms as he walks over to her kissing her head and pulling her into him.

"It's not staying in our room."

"I'll put it outside in the morning."

He puts the animatronic downstairs before climbing into bed with Lizzie.

Six days later, the couple are out trick or treating with neighbours making sure to give Y/N more candy after Lizzie told them all about him not experiencing Halloween as a kid.

The two sit on the couch, Y/N eating chocolate with a smile on his face as his head rests on Lizzie's lap.

"Tonight was fun, and the other day when we got everything was fun too."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it baby."

He sits up kissing her softly with a smile.

"Thank you for this babe, you've healed my inner child."

Lizzie smiles pulling Y/N's head to her chest as he repositions himself to be more comfortable, hugging Lizzie tightly.

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