More Than Just One Night

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The sun shines through the window onto the bed where a male and female lay asleep cuddled in the bed naked from their activities of the night before.

The female groans as the sun shines in her eyes, the male having his head in her neck. She yawns stretching before her eyes flutter open adjusting to the light. 

As she looks around the room, she doesn't know where she is so she begins to panic before flashes of the night before fill her mind.

"God damn it Lizzie," she mumbles to herself putting her arms on her face as the sleeping male pulls her closer to him. 

She gently moves his arm from over her stomach and moving quietly off the bed. She starts picking her clothes up from the night before.

"Where the hell is my bra?"

"Over here."

She freezes before slowly turning to look at her male companion holding up her bra. She awkwardly walks over taking the bra from him as she starts to get dressed.

"Are you staying for breakfast?"

He moves her hair and places gentle kisses on her shoulder sending shives down her spine as she pulls up her jeans. 

"No, this was a mistake. We were drunk and-"

"It meant something-"

"No it didn't, we don't even know each other's names."

"It meant something to me."

She turns to look at him as he looks into her green eyes. She sighs grabbing her bag and phone leaving the room as he follows with the sheets around him.

"At least let me drive you home."

"I'll call my friend."

"Come on my car is just outside."

"No god it was just a one night stand nothing more we will never see each other again so forget me."

"And what if I can't?"

"You will."

She leaves him standing by the door as she waits for her friend to pick her up. She looks down touching her neck when she realises her necklace from her mom is missing just as Scarlett pulls up. 

"You ready to go Lizzie?"

"I left my mom's necklace in there she's gonna kill me."

She gets into the car closing the door and putting her seatbelt on.

"Just go back in and get it."

"No he keeps wanting to see me again."

"That's sweet."

"I'm not looking for anything right now and-"

A knock on the passenger window startles them both before the guy opens the door holding the necklace.

"I found this in the pocket of my jeans, I think it's yours."

"Yeah thanks."

She takes it from him as he smiles sweetly at her.

"No problem."

He closes the door walking back inside as Scarlett looks at Lizzie.


"Oh come on he's so sweet."

"Just drive."

Scarlett drives away as Lizzie sighs to herself. 

A few weeks later and the cast are back on set for Captain America: Civil War. They were informed that someone else is gonna be joining them as Darren Stark, Tony and Pepper's secret son and Wanda's love interest. 

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