Bishop, Hawk, Son and Widow

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(I'm gonna save so much hassle here by stating I have not watch any of the shows and I am either using a transcript or my memory of other stories I read about it....Don't call me a fake fan I've seen all the movies. It's just hard to watch them cause I don't own Disney plus and I have to wait for my mam and dad to both want to watch them cause we watch them together)

Y/N has joined his father in trying to find whoever put on the Ronin suit. He knows about his father's past, during that time he stayed with his Aunt Nat. 

Y/N was heartbroken after the loss of his Aunt Nat because she was the only one who believed in him when it came to his dream of being a hero despite his non muscular body. 

She comforted him through his first breakup with Wanda when she left him for a walking talking toaster oven. 

Clint sent his location to his son after just having to deal with a fire. Y/N being flexible due to his training from Nat climbs up the fire escape and knocks on the window. Clint lets his son inside who trips over the window landing with a thud.


"Always clumsy."

He helps him off the floor before he walks over sitting on the couch eating pizza he found. 

"This pizza is cold."

"Don't talk with food in your mouth Y/N."

He mimics his father before choking on the pizza when a beautiful brunette walks into the room from the bathroom. 

He tries to jump over the couch to look cool and impress her but being the idiot he is falls over it instead landing by her feet. She laughs at him looking down as he smiles up at her before standing up and shaking her hand.

"Hi, I'm Y/N."


"That's a pretty name for a pretty girl."

"Flirt on your own time kid."

Y/N snaps his head in his dad's direction as he starts to blush.

"I'm not flirting."

He turns to Kate as they both blush.

"I was not....that was not....I wasn't..."

Clint laughs as him as Kate giggles. 

Clint, Kate and Y/N are fighting two people on the rooftop after Kate and Y/N set off the alarm in an apartment. 

"So who are these people again?"

"One is Maya, don't know the other."

"Got it so we-"

Y/N is cut off after being kicked in the stomach and then the nether reigns by the unknown assailant. 


Kate is throw off the roof and attached to a wire. Y/N pushes himself up walking over to the edge pulling her up.


"No problem."

They look into each other's eyes.

"Focus you too!"

They both get back into the fight when the unknown assailant reveals herself to be a widow.

"Do you think she knew auntie Nat?"

"Both of you are done."


"I'm your kid you can't kick me off this."

"I can and I will."

"This isn't fair!"

"I'm the parent Y/N."

"Why couldn't you be more like Nat? She believed in me but you never do...."

Y/N walks off with Kate following him pulling him in for a hug as he cries. He looks up at her wiping his tears.


"Don't worry about it. Wanna come to my mom's?"


They hold hands and walk back to her mom's house. They walk inside and Eleanor notices them immediately.

"Why is he here?"

"Because my-"

"Clint doesn't want us working with him anymore. Y/N is sad and he needs attention."

He raises an eyebrow as she baby talks him making her lightly chuckle. 

They walk into the burnt apartment when they hear something, Kate thinking quickly throws hot sauce which the blonde catches. They begin to talk about Clint while Y/N chows down on the mac and cheese.

"Hey! Stop eating my food."

The blonde pulls him away by his ear making him whine before standing beside Kate.

"The food was nice."

"Shut up. Why do you want to kill Clint? He saved the world."

"She wants to kill Clint?"

"Yes, pay attention."

"No. My sister saved the world. Natasha Romanoff. She saved the world."

"Nat's your sister?"


He tears up as Kate rubs his back as Yelena watches him.

"Your name is Y/N isn't it? Clint's son."

"Yeah why?"

"Natasha spoke highly of you."

He smiles wiping his tears as Yelena returns it. He zones out as they continue to talk until he sees her leaving.

"Kate Bishop and Y/N Barton, do not get in my way again."

Y/N and Kate are fighting Kingpin side by side.

"So Kate, I'm cute, you're cute we should go on a date."

"Are you really asking me out right now?"

They both get hit back with Y/N catching her protecting her head.

"Yeah why not?"

She shakes her head as they both get back up fighting him when a car hits him. They climb over the car and Eleanor gets out. 

As they both run off after Kate tells her mom off, Y/N decides to bring up the topic of a date yet again.

"Come on we would be cute together."

"If I say yes will you focus?"


"Then yes I will go on a date with you, you loveable idiot."

He smiles happily to himself as they focus on getting back to Clint. 

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