Highschool Besties

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Y/N and Scarlett have been best friends since they met in high school. Neither of them were popular but they had each other and for them that is all that mattered. 

For as long as the two can remember, people have been shipping them together which hasn't stopped since both became famous. 

Y/N went on to become a famous singer known for songs like 'The A Team', 'Thinking Out Loud' and 'Shape of You'. 

Scarlett went on to become a famous actress known for her role as Black Widow in the popular Avengers movies.

Y/N always uses his time off to surprise Scarlett and when she has time off, she joins him on tour. The two are inseparable and no one has been able to come between them. 

Scarlett is currently on set to film Avengers Infinity War so she is talking to Lizzie while they wait to get started. 

As they are talking, Lizzie notices a familiar face sneaking towards them who puts his finger to his mouth and she tries to act like she doesn't see him. 

He crouches low on the ground till he is on the floor in front of Scarlett. He quickly stands picking her and putting her on his shoulder making her scream as everyone starts looking in their direction.

Y/N and Lizzie laugh while the others watch in confusion as Scarlett is being spun around by some guy. 


"Y/N PUT ME DOWN! Um no."

He puts her down and she starts hitting him before hugging him tightly which he returns.

"Asshole," she mumbles into his chest.

"You know you love me."

She laughs hugging him closer as she inhales his scent, the familiar scent of his cologne filling her nose.

She laughs hugging him closer as she inhales his scent, the familiar scent of his cologne filling her nose

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"Someone missed me."

"Well it's been months."

"I missed you too."

He moves them side to side not wanting to let her go when the director walks over. 

"Sorry to interrupt but we have to start filming."

"Okay Kevin."

She tries to pull away from Y/N as he refuses to let go making her laugh.

"Y/N, I have to film."

"I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

"Will you come for dinner with me tonight?"

"Of course I will."

She kisses his cheek before they both walk in different directions. 

Later that day, Scarlett has just finished filming and she walks towards her car. 


She screams as two hands touch her back as Y/N laughs hysterically making her hit him repeatedly. 

"You're such an ass Y/N M/N L/N."

"I'm sorry boo."

He hugs her tightly as she hugs him back. He takes her to his car and drives them towards the restaurant. 

They walk inside and are brought to their table sitting down to read their menus. Scarlett notices that Y/N is quieter than normal and has been since they got in the car. 

"Y/N what's wrong?"

"Um I have to talk to you about something."

She watches as he puts down the menu and wipes his hands on his trousers something he only does when he is nervous.

"What is it Y/N?"

"I um I-"

She starts to get worried, Y/N usually doesn't behave like this so she hopes its nothing serious.

"Y/N, you can tell me anything."

"Scarlett um I think...no I know that I'm in love with you and have been for a long time. And I understand if you don't feel the same but I really value our friendship so I don't wanna ruin it."

Scarlett gets up from her seat as he keeps rambling walking to him.

"I just don't want you to leave me because you are my best friend and-"

She cuts him off by turning his head and kissing him passionately as he blinks confused before returning, pulling her onto his lap. She pulls away resting her forehead on his as he smiles making her chuckle. 

"I'm in love with you too."

"You are?"

"Yeah I just didn't wanna ruin what we had."

"I adore you."

"I adore you too."

She kisses him softly again before sitting in her own seat to continue their date. 

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