Comedic Love

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Scarlett met her boyfriend Y/N backstage after one of his comedy shows. The two have kept their relationship private for the past few months because they were unsure if Y/N would get hate for not being good enough for Scarlett. 

Scarlett knows he is good enough for her but with fans they tend to hate on the partner because they cannot have her. 

The two have thought about it for a while and have decided they are gonna reveal their relationship to the world. 

Jimmy Fallon has invited Scarlett and Florence on the show for the new movie Black Widow and he has also invited Y/N to talk about his upcoming tour not knowing Y/N and Scarlett are dating.

"Now we have three guests tonight please welcome Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh and Y/N L/N."

The elevator doors open as they all pose, Y/N letting the girls go first like the gentleman he is but not without looking at his girlfriend's ass which she definitely noticed. They all shake his hand and hug before sitting down Scarlett in the middle with Florence closest to Jimmy.

"Now Scarlett you guys just recently finished filming so what have you been doing to unwind."

Y/N, who had been taking a drink, chuckles as water goes down his chin as she shakes her head knowing where his mind went.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Sorry dirty mind."

People start laughing as Y/N shrugs with a smile as Scarlett starts to answer the question. When Jimmy turns his questions to Florence, Y/N leans in towards Scarlett's ear covering his mouth with his hand as he whispers.

"When are we doing the plan?"

"Soon baby."

He nods his head as they both get caught whispering.

"What are you two whispering about?"

"Nothing," they say in unison.

"Anyway, Y/N you have recently announced a tour. Are you bringing any special someone?"

"Yes I am, my girlfriend is coming. She is actually here tonight."


"I don't know."

He stands up looking into the crowd pretending to look for someone. Scarlett stands beside him pretending to look too.

"What does she look like?"


He turns to look at her and she looks at him.

"There she is."

They chuckle before he pulls her in by the hips as she wraps her arms around his neck, the two sharing a passionate kiss.


They laugh before sitting down and holding hands as everyone watches the two of them.

"Since when are you guys a couple?"

"Since before we started filming Black Widow."

"How did you guys meet?"

"She came backstage after one of my shows to tell me how much she liked the show so we went for drinks after where we exchanged numbers."

"We ended up going on loads more dates the following days before he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes."

"Well congrats you too, you look like you really love each other."

"We do," they say in unison.

They look at each other with smiles on their faces before having a quick kiss and returning to the interview.

The following days the couple were flooded with support for their relationship. People said they were an unlikely pair which made them even cuter. 

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