Eternal Spy

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In the beginning...

...before the six Singularities and the dawn of creation, came the CELESTIALS. Arishem, the Prime Celestial, created the first sun and brought light into the universe. Life began, and thrived. All was in balance. 

Until an unnatural species of predator emerged from deep space to feed on intelligent life - they were known as DEVIANTS. The universe was plunged into chaos.

To restore the natural order, Arishem sent ETERNALS - immortal heroes from the planet Olympia - to eliminate the Deviants. 

Eternals had unyielding faith in Arishem until one mission, led by Prime Eternal, Ajak, changed everything...

Y/N is one of these Eternals with the power of Flight and Heat Vision. Arishem wakes the Eternals and Y/N has a vision of a redhaired woman with captivating green eyes. 

From 5,000 BC to the present day, 2023, Y/N has been searching for this beauty with no luck

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From 5,000 BC to the present day, 2023, Y/N has been searching for this beauty with no luck. He never gives up though because he knows there is a reason he had a vision of her. 

While some of the Eternals were taken by Arishem after interfering with the Emergence, Y/N refused to get involved and decided to mourn the loss of Ajak instead. 

He refused to help the others join Starfox or Eros in finding the ones taken by Arishem saying he has to find the woman. Since they were tired of hearing about this woman, they left him behind. 

He is walking through the streets of Russia, something was pulling him here so he flew right away making sure to stay away from prying eyes. 

As he walking he trips over a brick sticking up from the footpath falling into the back of a woman. He catches her turning them around quickly so he breaks her fall grunting as he hits his head.


He rubs his head as the woman looks up at him, noticing blood on his hand.

"You're bleeding."

"I'll be-"

He cuts himself off as his eyes meet the captivating green ones from his vision when he first awoke. 

"It's you."


"I've been looking for you for centuries."

"I think you hit your head to hard."

She chuckles before she helps him stand up holding him as he wobbles before regaining his balance. 

"After everything that has happened, I can't believe I found you."

"No one can live for centuries."

She helps him since every time she lets go he wobbles like Bambi on ice. He falls silent following her as she guides him to her hotel room.

"Sit down."

He sits down as she gets her first aid kit sitting behind him to clean his cut. He winces.


"It's okay."

She holds his shoulder for balance as he watches her in the mirror. 

"You know that thing that happened recently where it looks like a beast is coming from the ground?"

"Yeah it was all over the news."

"That's a celestial. It would have destroyed the Earth and killed everyone on it only the Eternals stopped it well some of them."

"Who are the Eternals?"

"Immortal heroes from the planet Olympia sent to eliminate deviants which are an unnatural species of predator that feeds on intelligent life. They came here in 5000BC and were told not to interfere in any human conflict by their creator Arishem but some stopped the Emergence from happening which is why that thing is there and why he took them and the others are looking for them."

"How do you know all that?"

"Because I am one."

"So you guys didn't think to help with Thanos?"

"We couldn't..."

He turns to look at her as she looks at him angrily.

"That's crazy."

"It's true."

"So we could have had superpowered help from you immortal people and I would still have my best friend and one of my colleagues?"

"No because we couldn't help."

She starts hitting him as he flinches back before grabbing her hands.

"Look I'm sorry but we had our orders, we stuck to them but even with everything that happened I have been searching for you since I was awoken. I had a vision of you there has to be a reason for that."

She looks up at him pulling her hands from his turning her back to him. He sighs walking closer to her and moves her to face him.

"Please give me a shot. I've waited so many centuries to find you. Don't take this away from me over something I had no control over."

She looks him in the eyes and sighs.

"Fine but I really wanna hit you."

"I'm sure I will give you loads of chances for that. I'm Y/N by the way."


She laughs as a smile crosses his face. After so many centuries of searching for this one woman he finally found her and he wasn't gonna let her go no matter what.

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