The Military Husband

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Y/N and Lizzie met when her car broke down on the side of the road and him being the gentleman his single mother raised him to be got out of his car and helped her out. 

She wanted to take him out for drinks to thank him but he told her he doesn't drink so the two agreed to meet for coffee in two days. 

The two met up and hit it off well so they exchanged numbers. He became radio silent after going on tour but she thought he just didn't wanna see her anymore and got with Robbie. 

When he returned and asked her to hear him out, she did which is when she learnt he is in the army. 

After Robbie broke up with Lizzie, Y/N comforted her and the two got close before eventually they started to date before getting married two years later. 

Right now, she is seeing him off as he is going on tour for a few months. She is crying as he holds her close slightly tearing up trying to stay strong for his wife.

"I'll send you letters and facetime you loads."

"You better."

"I will. I have to go baby."

"I love you."

"I love you too my sweet angel."

He kisses her passionately before pulling away hugging her one last time and walking off to join his team waving goodbye to her the whole way till he is out of sight. 

It's been two months and there has been no contact from Y/N. This doesn't usually happen as he will always send at least one to her. 

This is why she has been so worried and hasn't been able to focus at work. No matter who tried to comfort her, they could not.

She is on set and in the middle of filming when she sees the familiar camouflage uniform of her husband walking towards the set.

Tears start rolling down her face before she runs towards him as he does the same to her picking her up and spinning her around as her legs and arms wrap around him. 

She cries into his neck as he does too holding her close as everyone watches knowing how hard the past two months have been Lizzie. 

"I thought you were dead."

"I'm here my sweet angel."

"You can never die."

He chuckles lightly against her shoulder.

"I have to die someday."

"Just do it after me."

"Of course my love."

She clings to him tightly afraid that she is just dreaming as the director calls for a break knowing she needs time with her husband. 

She pulls away from him looking at the cuts and bruises on his face as he smiles at her. She cups at his cheeks in her soft small hands.

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you later baby. Can I have a kiss?"

She nods scrunching her nose as he holds her leaning in to kiss him softly which he returns both conveying every emotion from the past two months.

"I'm retiring from the army."

"But you love it."

"After witnessing what I did and thinking I may never get to see you again, I just want to love you forever and spend as much time with you as I can my love."

"I love you Y/N L/N."

"I love you Elizabeth L/N."

"I always love being called that."

"I know."

He smiles happily as he looks at his girlfriend making her chuckle resting her forehead against his. Both happy to just be in each other's embrace again neither of them wanting to let go of the other. After all it is them against the world forever and always. 

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