A Boyfriend's Test

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Lizzie is curled in a ball on her bed under some fluffy blankets while her boyfriend Y/N is out getting her tampons and painkillers. 

"If he doesn't hurry up, I'm gonna kill him."

She groans as her period cramps get worse. She hears the sound of boyfriend's car pulling up. She listens as the front door opens followed by her boyfriends grunts as she hears his footsteps.

She peeks out from her blankets as the bedroom door opens and he walks in with his arms full of junk food. He puts them on the bed as he catches his breath.

"Should've got a bag."

He sees a little head poking from the blankets making him chuckle. He kneels down to kiss her but she disappears under the blankets again making him chuckle.

He slides all the junk food and the painkillers with a bottle of water into the blanket with her. He hears the crinkle of bag of crisps making him chuckles as she crunches on them.

"I'll be in the game room if you need me okay baby?"

When he gets no response he chuckles standing up and walking towards the door to put the tampons in the bathroom. He hears a noise like a child makes when they don't get their own way behind him so he turns around to see Lizzie pouting and doing grabby hands at him. 

He chuckles walking back over to her as she starts tapping her lips, he leans down as her arms wrap around his neck

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He chuckles walking back over to her as she starts tapping her lips, he leans down as her arms wrap around his neck.

"You want kisses?"

She nods her head making him chuckle as he leans in kissing her softly which she returns before disappearing under the covers again.

He moves the covers down to see her face making her groan trying to push him away till he pins her down and kisses her head pulling the covers over her again before walking out.

"I love you!"

He chuckles hearing the shouts from his bedroom.

"I love you too baby!"

She smiles happily to herself as she eats some junk food and takes a painkiller drinking some water. 

An hour later, Y/N is still playing Minecraft building himself a cobblestone house which is an improvement from his first dirt house. 

The door to his game room opens and Lizzie waddles in with a blanket around her climbing into his lap making him chuckle as he pauses the game and puts the controller down.

"Hi baby."

"I missed you and I wanted cuddles."

"I missed you too baby and you can have all the cuddles you want."

He turns off his console picking her up and carrying her back to the bedroom laying down with her on top of him snuggling into his chest. 

He runs his fingers up and down her back as she relaxes against him with a smile on her face. He gently kisses her head making her smile wider.

She would have to thank Scarlett later for telling her to be around him for once on her period. Lizzie has been dating him for three months and always made an excuse to not be around him when it came to her period. 

She has been afraid that he would react poorly like her exes but he has been everything she always wanted in a guy.

When she woke up this morning with blood on her pjs and his sheets she begun to panic but Y/N ran her a bubble bath and put her pjs and his sheets in the wash before giving her some of his clothes. 

He then left to get her tampons and painkillers without being asked after he wrapped her up in some fluffy blankets. 

She looks up at him touching his cheek making him look down at her, before he can question anything she leans in kissing him softly.

"You're the best boyfriend."

"That's only cause I have the best girlfriend."

She laughs making him smile as he looks at adoringly. She never thought someone could love her so much when all she does is laugh but he does. 

Every little thing she does, he looks at her like she is the only other person in the world. He looks at her like she is the only thing that matters to him and she never doubts that she is the only thing that matters to him because he always reassures her that she is.

If being a boyfriend was a test, Y/N would always pass with flying colours. 

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