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We returned to the arcade room but nobody was in there by now.
"Where'd you think they've gone?" I asked, poking my head into other rooms.
Bukayo shrugged, "Dunno. They might be chilling near the entrance where all them sofas are."
I nodded, remembering the way as I was sat there earlier and sure enough everyone was there.

Mount, Grealish and Foden were on one sofa, arguing with each other for taking up too much space. Jesse and Marcus were laying on the floor playing rock, paper, scissors. Sterling, James and Walker were on another sofa, Madison and Shaw on the one beside them. The rest of the guys were scattered around the room, all doing their own thing. I couldn't see Jude anywhere.

I tapped Marcus' leg with my shoe, not looking at him as I continued to search for my friend, "You seen Jude about?"
I heard him laugh and finally looked at him, "What?"
"Have you lipsed him yet?" he asked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Wait what? Who are we talking about?" Jesse interrupted, whispering loudly.
"Who do you think?" Rashford nudged him.
"Ohhhh!" he nodded, "Jude?"
"No I haven't lipsed him and I won't be lipsing him anytime soon. Can you just answer the question? Do you know where he's gone?"

The pair sensed my concern and stopped joking about.
"He had a phone call and went out about ten minutes ago. He'll be back soon just chill with us," Marc suggested, patting the floor beside him.
I looked around the room one last time and saw Kayo nodding at me encouragingly which made me laugh before sitting down.

"Do you know what I'm craving right now?" Jesse put his hand on his stomach, sighing as me and Marcus shared a look.
"What mate?"
"Pizza. Like a stuffed crust, loaded pizza. Pineapples and all," he grinned just thinking about it whilst I gagged.
"Pineapple on pizza? I knew there was a reason I didn't speak to you guys," I shook my head in mock disappointment whilst Marc looked at me in disbelief.
"Don't include me with him and his weird ways!"

Jesse's mouth dropped open, "Did you really just snake me like that for a girl?"
He started to get flustered, "What? No. I didn't do it for her, I just have to let everyone know that you're the weird one, I just put up with it."
Jesse smirked, "Mhm."

"You guys waffle so much," I laughed, getting up, "I'm gonna go for a walk, see you in a bit."
"Safe," Jess spudded me whilst Marcus looked at me in surprise.
"Are you alright? Do you want me to come with you?"
"Stop begging it man!" Jesse shoved him and I left them to scrap, shaking my head as I walked out trying not to laugh.

The campus was big, surrounded by fields and astro, tennis courts and pools. It had everything. I went out the main entrance, feeling the cold British air on my arms as I wondered around. I spotted a basketball court and headed over.

I pulled open the gate, about to grab a basketball off the rack when I saw somebody leaning with their face up against the wall in their hands. They kicked the wall in frustration before wincing and holding their foot.
That caused me to laugh, making them turn around and my eyes were met with familiar watery ones, "Jude? Are you okay?"

He relaxed once he realised it was me, walking over and catching me by surprise as he embraced me, his arms over my shoulders and mine around his back. We stayed like that for a while, I wanted to ask what was going on but it seemed like he just needed the comfort right now. He balanced his chin on my head for a moment before pulling away and wiping his eyes, "Sorry."

I laughed, "Don't be silly, it's fine. Are you okay?"
"Yeah," he nodded, now wiping his nose as he tried to recompose himself.
"Do you want to go back insi-"
"No! No, I'm gonna stay here for a bit," he sat with his back against the netting that enclosed the court. I followed suit, sitting beside him, "You don't have to stay with me."

Need - Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now