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It felt strange being back on campus now most of the rooms were empty. I was sort of in a daze to be honest. I was back to being on my own which kind of scared me. Not in the sense that I didn't enjoy my own company but more so I was worried to be left alone with my thoughts for too long. I've come too far to fall back into my addiction.

"Dele?" Jadon was stood a few feet in front of me, confused as fuck, "Hello?"
I laughed, thankful for his voice bringing me back to, "Yeah, sorry what's up?"
"What you doing for housing?"
"Hotel, I dunno," I groaned, sick of all the serious talk. I knew it was important but I'd rather let the pressure build up and panic about it later.

"I was serious when I offered for you to stay with me. Got a new place in Manny now, couple spare bedrooms and I don't like being on my ones anyway so the offers still there if you need it," he shrugged before continuing on his way upstairs, pausing to shout over his shoulder, "Leaving in about forty minutes though if you're coming with!"

I pondered it for a moment. It would be good to have somebody around that knows most of what's been going on. And, as annoying as he is, I would call him my friend. The only problem would be how far I was from Bukayo.

I went upstairs too, getting a start on clearing the little stuff I had with me. I phoned my brother, letting it ring on my desk as I had it on speaker whilst throwing clothes into my bag.

"Yo, you good? How'd the airport go?"
"It's whatever. Where are you right now?" I brushed his questions off.
"Chip shop with Phil, want us to bring you anything back?"

"No I'm good. Listen, Jadon's brought up the living with him situation again and it's not sounding too bad. I could use that extra support for a bit right now until I get used to not having all of you guys around when shit goes south."
"I hear that but ain't it gonna be in Manchester now he's with United?"
"That's the only negative."
"We're heading back now, let me chat to Sanch and check some things."
I laughed, "Okay, see you in a bit."

bukayo pov!!!

"Everything good?" Phil passed me my food and we left the shop, making our way up the road.
"Jadon's serious about this letting Ayodele stay with him ting. Just makes me feel a bit weird though innit?"

His mouth was full of food as he spoke, making me cringe, "Yeah but you complained when she didn't used to make an effort with us. It's good really."
"I guess."
"I doubt he's genuinely gonna try move to her, chill. Either way it's good she's got someone with her and if you ever want me to drop in for you, I can. I won't be too far probably," he shrugged, making me nod.
"Appreciate that bro."


"Jadon!" I poked my head into almost all the rooms but they all seemed to be empty now; I didn't know which one was his, "Sanch!"
"Kayo you good?" he came out a door further down the hallway, face riddled with confusion.

"Is Ayodele going with you?"
He shrugged, "Told her the offers there but i'm leaving in about twenty minutes so thats how long she's got to make up her mind."
"Do you want her to stay with you?"
He scrunched his face up, shrugging again, "What's with the questions? 'Course I do she's my mate and got nowhere to stay."

"But if you're doing it because you feel bad then it's better you say now. I don't want her being messed about-" I started, being interrupted by him covering his ears and singing. The guys meant to be grown.

I shoved him lightly and he stopped, instead laughing.
"Look I get it. She's your little sister. Trust me when I say I got no weird intentions."
"I wasn't meaning to sound like that, I just wanna make sure you'll look out for her. I'm not gonna be local if she has one of her- you know."
"You don't even gotta say that bro, you know I'm there."

I felt myself relax at his words, no longer feeling panicked. I knew Ayodele could handle herself, she was only two years younger than me but I just worry. More about stuff going on with her mentally which is why I had to be sure someone would be there if she needed it.

He dapped me up before returning to his suitcase laid out on his bed and I made my own way down a floor and to my little sister's room.

"I told her that I missed her, put on her a plane," I could hear her singing, making me stifle a laugh, "Just a product of the fame. I told her that I dug her, I wasn't running game and if-"

I burst in, watching her jump in surprise, leaving me to wet myself as she launched a trainer at me.
"Don't do that you bitch!"
"I spoke to Jadon," I wheezed, regaining my breath, "I think you'll be calm with him. You need to talk if things get bad again though, okay?"

She nodded impatiently, "Yep yep, got it. You've interrupted Frank are we done?"
I rolled my eyes, her obsession with the artist always being too much, "Shout me when youse are leaving. Love."

ayodele pov:
I had my handbag on one shoulder, an England duffel bag I claimed in my left hand and my phone in my right as I trudged down the stairs, sighing dramatically with each step.

"Aw no boyfriend here to help you," I turned, expecting it to be Jadon teasing but was instead met with Foden, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.
"Don't need the help. Speaking of boyfriends, where's yours? Me and Jay are about to leave."
He didn't argue and instead shouted for Bukayo, making me laugh loudly.

I left my stuff by the door and collapsed onto one of the sofas, reaching for my phone as soon as it rung.
"Hey darling, you okay?" My whole body relaxed at his voice but, again, that feeling in my stomach returned.

"I'm good, how was the flight? Are you home?"
"Yeah literally just got in. I'm knackered, slept the whole way, flight as well."
I laughed at that, "You sound it. Jadon and I are about to leave now anyway, go have a sleep."
He yawned, "No, I've gotta unpack all my shit and help mum restock the kitchen and that. Let me know when you're settled, I'll FaceTime you tonight."

I smiled hard at everything he said. He cares for his mum, for me, urgh he was so perfect all the time.
"Mhm? That's all I'm getting?" he laughed.
"She's cheesing so much right now!" Sancho shouted as he eavesdropped whilst bringing his own stuff down.
"Shut up I'm not."

"No need to lie Alli," I could hear the smile in his voice, making me groan.
"I'm joking. I'll let you get going, I love you."
"I love you too."
"Not more?"
"Nope," I popped the p, hearing him mock gasp before laughing and ending the call. I was not getting over him any time soon.

i already know you guys won't like the next chapter xxx

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