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"I'll probably stay the night at hers, depends whether we do end up going to that motive or not," I laughed, shrugging as my brother rolled his eyes.
"What happened to using today for finding out about the personal shopping thing? And talking to Marcus?"

"I'll do it tomorrow. I need some fun in my life, God."
"Jude's been pretty upset the last couple of hours. If somethings happened between you and this is your way of coping it's not-"
I laughed loudly, "He's got nothing to do with it. Matter fact, he's got nothing to do with me."
"Mhm," he raised his eyebrows.

"I'm being serious Bukayo."
"What the fuck happened then?"
"He wants to date until the Euros are over then breakup because he's gotta go Germany. There's no point in dating anymore if I know it's just gonna end," I pulled a face.
"So you've broke up?" Kayo looked more hurt than me.
I shrugged a second time, causing the boy to groan.

"You man just gotta sit down and talk properly. Make a proper plan. If you got a job like the shopping one then you could do it for his teammates over there or at least have the money to fund yourselves visiting since I know you'll be too proud to take his. And then-"
I shook my hands in the air to indicate for him to stop talking as I made my way away from him and down the staircase, "I don't need another lecture. It's done, I'm done."


"I don't know how you managed to drag me here," I said nervously as Kayla and I walked arm in arm up Fadi's road, already able to hear the music blasting.

She laughed, rocking her head back and causing some of her blonde hair to fall onto my shoulder, "It's gonna be fine! Let loose, have some fun. Alright?"
"Alright," I groaned, finally giving in before jogging slightly ahead of her, "And you're sure I'm not flashing you?"
"Yes! You're fine, stop being dramatic. Oh my god, I see lengers already!"


"Fucking hell, slow down," Fadi laughed awkwardly, taking the plastic cup out my hand.
I gave him a look, just making him laugh harder.
"Calm, let me get you something good if you're gonna be backing it like that at least," he winked cringely, making me hold back a laugh as I watched him disappear back into the kitchen.

"Dele!" I heard my name being called but it wasn't until Kian was stood right in front of me that I realised where it was coming from, "You're here?"
"Yeah thanks for the invite you little snake, and Fadi too."
"I didn't think you'd wanna come?" he spoke louder so I'd hear him over the music, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah?" I looked at him confused, "You?"
"You're half drunk, I can tell already. I thought you were straightening things out?"
"Urgh I'm done with this conversation! I'm not even allowed to have any fun anymore?"
"What? No I didn't mean-"

"For the lady," Fadi shouted to be heard, pushing Kian out the way and handing me a drink.
I laughed before eyeing his up, "Are they the same?"
I swapped them over, just in case. Fadi was easily one of my closest friends but I'd never risk it.
"Rah," he looked between my cup that was now in his hand and the cup that was his now in mine, "You think I'd do you like that?"
"Bruv I dunno, gotta be careful innit?" I laughed as he rolled his eyes, placing an arm over my shoulder as we both looked around the crowded living room, drinking slowly this time.


"Ayodele, you're gone man. Don't, you're gonna end up doing shit you regret," Kian pulled my arm roughly to get me off of Fadi's lap as I continued to laugh loudly at one of his jokes, not even clocking what had happened yet due to the alcohol in my system.

Need - Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now