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"Want me to get something?" I offered as Jude lugged three bags over his shoulder from the compartment below the coach. His stuff was right at the back so most of the guys had gone in by now.
"Nah you're alright. Come on I can literally feel myself getting eaten," he waved off some of the mosquitos that hovered around us due to the headlights of the vehicle.

"They're just not real. Like how am I suffering from bites and I haven't even left England? Easily in the top ten most depressing things," I focused on a little rock, kicking it down the path as we made our way inside.
He laughed, "Stop waffling and hurry your arse up."

"Always gotta mention the arse," I shook my head in mock disappointment as he rocked his own back with laughter.
"Who can blame me?"
"Piss off," I snorted, letting him push open the main door from behind me, holding it open as I walked inside, letting the warmth wash over me.

"You sure you don't want me to take one?" I laughed, watching as he struggled to get them all through the doorway.
"You're good man," he insisted, making me hold my hands up in surrender and stifle a laugh.

Sanch and Mason were talking at the bottom of the stairs, laughing loudly about something.
"Jude let me grab one," Mount laughed, taking a bag off the boy and walking upstairs with him, whilst I stood in annoyance.
"I literally offered six thousand times but you let him take one?"

Jadon let out a sharp breath, "He don't rate you, wouldn't have it."
I turned to face him with a glare, watching as he burst out laughing, "I'm joking! I'm joking!"
"Just your breathing irritates me man-"

"Woah, woah, woah. We're besties again now, I let you dump your water on me," he shook his hand in my face.
"Yeah, after you dumped yours on me for no fucking reason," I looked to him pointedly.
He scratched the back of his neck, "Forgot about that."

"Course you did," I laughed, hitting the back of his head and then going to walk off but feeling him shove me lightly, "You did not."
"But I did," he shrugged, starting a scrap as we tried to stay serious but every light push or slap sending the other into fits of laughter.

"You man," Bukayo kissed his teeth, chuckling as he walked past, water bottle in hand.
"Are you not gonna back me?" I looked at him incredulously, "This grandad scrapping your little sister?"

"Nah!" Jadon shook his head in disbelief, "You ain't gotta do me like that."
Kayo snorted, "She got a point but nah, Dele you on your own."
"Prick," I mumbled, although smile plastered across my face.

"My duties have been passed on," he sighed dramatically, "Your boyfriend can have the job of restraining you from everything and everyone including yourself."
"Always violating, fuck off," I laughed.

"Speaking of, where's he at?"
"Unpacking his bags in his room," I shrugged.
"Oh, he managed to find it?"
"Bukayo piss off," I stared at him deadpan as he cracked up at his own joke, making his way over to the cafeteria to fill up his drink.

"I'm cutting you lot are jarring," I waved Sanch off, walking up the first few steps.
"Oi spud me."
"Dunno where that hands been, I'm alright."
He clicked his tongue, "Don't be a prick."
"You're the king of being a pric-"
I groaned, turning around to spud the boy before heading upstairs.

"Love you Dele! Sleep well! Sweet dreams! Don't let the-" he rambled, trying to be funny whilst really just deafening me and everyone else on my floor.
"Jay I know you're getting old and hearing ain't great but you're speaking a bit loud," I whispered, nodding patronisingly.
He held back his laugh, "Piss off."
"In a bit."

When I reached my room Jude was always laid sprawled out on top of my covers, snoring lightly. I took his shoes off for him just incase he moved and got them on the bed 'cause that shit freaks me out, before changing into just a big t-shirt and tapping his leg so I could collapse beside him.

Need - Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now