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When we walked into the park, Aryan, James, Josh, Kareem, Charlie and Mustafa were already there, some kicking the ball about and others just laying in the summer heat, picking at the half-dead grass.

Aryan was the first head to turn in our direction and straight away his jaw dropped, opening and closing it a few time in an attempt to say something but failing massively.

"Ayodele have I ever told you how much I love you?" he finally managed to shout, making the rest of the boys turn and display similar reactions where they didn't know what to say.
"I think you've told her that a few times," Jude answered, making me hit him lightly as the curly head shook his head, frantically waving his hands about.

"Nah, nah! I meant like platonic love, you know? No offence or nothing but she's too jarring for me to ever like like that."
"Shut up," I rolled my eyes as we neared the group who were all stood still, "Alright guys? Erm this is Jude. Jude that's Ben, Charlie, Mustafa, Josh, James and Kareem."

He watched as I pointed to each of them then nodded, "Calm. Are we waiting for more of you lot to come?"
Charlie nodded, trying to seem nonchalant but the previous awkward two minutes of silence proved different.

"Woah, woah, woah. Why didn't I get introduced? I actually feel offended, what the fuck?" Aryan spoke from behind me, making me groan.
"The same reason Alejandro wasn't introduced, he knows you guys already. Only knows you because of your fat mouth."

We started bickering like we usually do as the other boys approached, hesitating when they saw Jude but reaching us nonetheless.
"Alright and these are Harry, Daniel and Dylan," I pointed to which Jude nodded, spudding them and making conversation as they all just looked at him in awe.

This was more awkward than I thought it would be.

"Team of 6 and 7? Or have a sub?" Ale asked, swapping over his sliders for a pair of boots.
I shrugged, about to talk before Aryan spoke over me, "Well I shotgun Balde, Saka and Bellingham on my team!"

Jude shook his head, smiling, "Nah I'm going opposite team to Dele."
"Oh that's how it is, yeah?" I smirked, raising my eyebrows as he nodded, "Calm then. Ale and I are a duo, you'd just mess it up."

He held his heart in mock hurt as I laughed and the fifteen year old looked in between us before whispering way too loud, "And you're sure you're not dating?"
I pushed his head away from me as Jude rocked his head back laughing and the rest of the boys finally spoke up, saying who they wanted in each team.

After ten minutes of arguing we finally decided.
Myself, Alejandro, Aryan, James, Josh, Harry and Ben were the team with the extra player due to Jude actually playing professionally meaning he basically counted as two players even though he argued with us about it for ages.
The other team consisted of Jude, Charlie, Daniel, Mustafa, Dylan and Kareem.

Ben positioned himself as Goalie but would spend most of his time out the box, defending with Aryan. James, Josh and Harry were focused on midfield- James being pushed back due to how he played last time, peak I know- whilst Alejandro and I played right up front.

Charlie and Dylan focused on defense for the other team, Mustafa and Daniel stayed on midfield whilst Jude dropped back and forth between midfield and playing up front with Kareem.

We let them start with the ball, seeing as we had an extra player, and Daniel was the one to slowly bring it up the pitch, over to our half. I decided to put pressure straight away, running up close and making him panic and pass to Mustafa who was already being closely guarded by Balde.

He tried to meg the Spanish but failed, basically just passing to him and making us laugh as we jogged back over the half way line, now into their half. He passed to me and I saw Jude smile, running over with both knees bent slightly in a defensive position, trying to make me panic but all it did was make my smirk grow.

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