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"Right we're here," Jadon bellowed, making me groan and cover my ears as he turned the engine off.
The two front doors slammed as Sanch and Sterling got out, Jude looking down at me with a smile plastered to his face, "We getting up?"

He laughed as he opened his door, shouting to the driver, "Chuck me the keys. We'll come in in a minute."
I heard them rattle as he caught them in his left hand.
"You lot better not be fucking-"
"Jadon piss off," I groaned, starting to sit up and hearing him cackle as they entered the building.

"Ignore him babe, he's being a dickhead. Come on, quicker we get inside the quicker we can crash out again," he moved my hair from my face.
I smirked, "Babe?"
"And what?" he cheesed like an idiot as I rolled my eyes.

"What's gonna happen when you go back to Dortmund?"

The question had been on my mind for a while. I didn't expect him to drop football or anything but he didn't seem like the type to do long distance. I knew I wouldn't be able to deal with it either.

I picked at the skin around my nail as I waited nervously for his response.
He pulled my hands away from each other, "You need to stop doing that."
I gave him a look, knowing he was avoiding the question.

"I dunno man. I'm sure we can make it work, don't stress about it," he sighed.
"It's pretty hard not to."
"Let's just go bed, alright? We can talk about it tomorrow," he stood out the car, holding out a hand for me to take which I ignored, getting out myself and heading inside.

"Dele man, don't be like that," he caught up after locking the doors.
"Be like what?" I shrugged, pretending there was nothing wrong even though I was more than annoyed. Was I about to be just some sort of summer fling?

He put an arm on my shoulder to stop me from walking off, "We said no lies."
"And I'm not lying," I crossed my arms stubbornly as he took in a sharp breath.
"I'm gonna shower in my room and then we'll talk about it. That way you can think about it first and neither of us go to bed annoyed with each other, alright? 'Cause we ain't doing that."

I nodded, "Alright."
He smiled slightly, lingering ahead of me at the bottom of the staircase, "I love you."
"Love you too," I mumbled, following him until I reached my floor.


I took the remainder of my makeup off and changed into a big t-shirt that was in my wardrobe, whether it was Jude's or Kayo's I didn't know.

I was now laid sprawled out on my bed, my overthinking getting interrupted by a knock at my door.
"Come in."
To my surprise, it wasn't my boyfriend and instead my brother, standing sheepishly in the threshold.

"I'm sorry Dele, I shouldn't of spoke to you like that innit. It weren't your fault, I was just pissed off," he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
I sighed, "You can't keep doing this man. Something pisses you off and I'm the one you take it out on every fucking time. I know you're doing, and have been doing, a lot for me and I'll always appreciate you for that but it don't mean I'm gonna let you talk to me like shit Bukayo. I'm going looking for jobs tomorrow and I'll try be out of here by next week-"

"Ayodele what? You don't have to leave. Look, I'll stop it, all of it. If I've got a problem then I'll stay away from you. I like living with you," he seemed apprehensive, closing the door behind him and gripping onto the back of my desk chair.

I shook my head with a sad smile, "Come on, I can't live here forever. I feel like all we've done is argue whilst I've been here as well, this might be better for us. I miss being close with you."

"We are close, what do you mean?" he groaned, constantly moving until he sat on my desk, feet on the chair.
"We barely talk anymore unless we need to tell each other something, we used to hang just because."
"We've just been busier innit? You've got Jude, Marc, Jesse, Jadon now."

Need - Jude BellinghamOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora