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We stopped for food on the way back and I showed him where we used to kick about when we were younger before we hit the road properly, meaning we didn't get back until it was starting to get dark. Around six-ish.

When we walked through the main entrance we were met with Marcus, Jesse, Bukayo and Jude all sat close together, seeming to be arguing about something. Mason, Phil, Raheem and Luke were also in the room, cracking joke in the corner.

"Do we wanna get involved in that?" Jadon referred to the argument, nodding his head over to the stairs.
I laughed, "Yeah I've had enough beef today."

We slipped off without any of them noticing, jogging up the staircase and splitting up on the first landing as his room was on the second floor.

"Everything's good though yeah? On a real?" he raised an eyebrow, unsure whether to leave me yet.
I nodded, "It's all calm. You could carry this to my room though."
He rolled his eyes as he laughed, carrying the bin bag down the hallway as I grinned, following him.

He opened my door, placing it on the desk then turning to face me stood behind him.
"Anything else?" he asked sarcastically.
I laughed, placing my hands around his neck and pulling him in for a hug, "Thank you for everything today Jay. It meant a lot."

He placed his own hands around my waist, mumbling into my hair as he spoke, "It's nothing bae."
It was just our banter but I shoved him away from me when he said that, laughing loudly as he smirked and made his way back to the stairwell, waving as he did so.

I turned back to the big bag on my desk, sighing and untying it when there was a knock at my door. I opened it and was met with Bukayo, Jude and Marcus.

I let them in and they all flopped onto my bed, asking how it went.
"Did Jadon make things worse?" Kayo asked, wincing.
"Jadon?" Jude looked inbetween us confused.
I shrugged, "I was gonna go with Marcus but his car weren't here and he offered to take me."
He nodded slowly, "Alright."

"So how did it go then? Everything okay?" Marc asked, sitting up against my headboard as I dug through my stuff.
"Yeah it was fine I guess. Coulda gone worse, we managed to get all my shit and get outta there alive," I laughed as they looked at me unimpressed.

"Ayodele be so for real. I want every detail," Kayo said folding his arms and leaning onto Rashford, making me laugh at their bromance.

"We got there, stood outside for ages cos we were shitting ourselves. We knocked and mum answered but she was being all dodgy and saying I weren't allowed in and tried to shut the door on us," I grimaced, scared of Kayo's reaction, "Then Jadon pushed the door open and we went in anyways-"

"Jadon pushed the door open on our mum?" He sat up, his jaw clenched.
I shook my head, "No it wasn't like he swung it open, she had time to move out the way and he said sorry but we needed to get my stuff and then we'd be out of there."
He laid back down, still looking slightly pissed off.

"Why didn't you take me with you?" Jude spoke up, making me cough to cover my panic on what to say to him.
"Your ankle innit? Thought you'd need to rest plus I don't want you seeing me beef my family."
Bukayo sent me a knowing look, a smirk plastered on his face.

"I could've backed you if you needed it. Why does Jadon get to be that person for you? No wonder you were gone so long, I-"
"Alright, alright," Marcus interrupted, "You can ask her questions about that later but we just want the full story then we can leave you two on your ones."

I silently thanked him for that and continued, "Yeah then we went upstairs and- And my room had been cleared out completely. Nothing in there apart from like my bed frame. They put everything in boxes including photos of me and you, Kayo, and said they were getting rid of it all. Basically, they wanted no proof that I was part of the family because apparently everyone back home is talking about us and I've brought shame upon them, bladibladiblah."

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