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disclaimer: when i mention her addiction i've only been going into detail with weed (which isn't even rlly that deep tbh) because i don't wanna be promoting other more serious ones but her addiction is worse than weed which is why it's been made into such a big deal. i thought i mentioned this in earlier chapters but some ppl were confused so i might've forgot idk.
anyway enjoy!!!

okay i'm writing this after i've finished the chapter and it might be a bit more depressing than it should've been xx

i'm also incapable of saving chapters if i have them which is why updates are so irregular xoxo

"Fucking hell it's loud," I looked to Jadon as we walked up Rashford's pathway to his block. His house was basically a pent house; a top floor apartment surrounded with windows and all new sleek furniture.
"Only gonna get louder," Sancho gassed, nudging me before pulling open the door so we could both make our way up, really just following the noise.

We stood in the lift, him on his phone as I bit my nails nervously. He hit my hand, face grimacing, "Don't do that shit. What's wrong?"
"I've got almost six months of me being clean on the line here what if I-"
"You won't."
"But what if-"
"Ayodele you won't. I've got you."

I eased up at that, my nervousness being replaced with anticipation as the elevator doors opened and we were faced with Marcus' front door, some people entering just ahead of us. Jadon jogged to grab it before it closed, holding it for me as I caught up.

The design of the apartment was all open-plan so we could see everything and everyone just from the threshold. There's no way Marcus knew all of these people.

"These are all his friends yeah?" I laughed, Sancho leaning down to hear me.
He laughed too, starting to push through some people with me following so we could find the birthday boy, "Half of them are Jesse's probably. He's the one that ends up inviting everyone and their nan's to these things."

"But there are no randoms yeah? Marcus said no one would be doing any drugs or anything, how's he gonna know what they're like?"
He stopped shoving past people to talk to me properly, "You're not gonna have a moment alone whilst we're here. Bukayo's here, Marcus is, Phil, Jesse, me. You can't just sit inside all day, something like this has to happen at some point. At least when it's done you'll know you're definitely getting over it."

"I guess," I nodded, trying to chill out so I wasn't being annoying.
He laughed, putting an arm over my shoulder and nudging me as we continued walking, "Ayodele you're calm, okay? Now, anymore questions?"

"Do you think Jude's here yet?" I asked, looking around as he rolled his eyes.
"You're jarring."
"What?" I laughed, watching as he tried his hardest not to.
"We're getting drinks then finding the boys, you're giving me a headache."

We were all a few drinks in, sat around the fire pit on Marcus' terrace. Forget house parties, I was living bougie now.

"You're old now innit?" Bukayo laughed, looking to the host who simply rolled his eyes in response.
I kicked my brother's shin lightly, "It's his birthday drop him out."
"Yeah it's my birthday, drop me out," Rashford agreed, making me laugh.

"Bait the age out though," I asked; Marc covering his face with his hands and Phil answering for him.
"Twenty four right?"
My eyes practically bulged out my head, "You're joking."
"Nope, Beans' nearly as old as me now," Jesse put him in a headlock, the pair beginning to play fight and cause a scene on the outside furniture.

"I genuinely thought he was the same age as you," I said to Kayo, still in shock.
"He's got a baby face," he teased, Jadon soon joining in causing them all to banter back and forth.

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