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"Alli I've got training," Jude shook me gently as I tried not to smile at the nickname, "I'll see you in a bit. Let me know if you go out, love you."
I felt him lean over the mattress to kiss my forehead before finally deciding to roll over and face him putting his shoes on, "Love you too."

He gave me a grin, finishing his lace and then half laying on the bed so that his boots wouldn't touch the mattress but he could lay with me properly. His arms were around my waist and head on my stomach as I played with his hair.

"Do you not need to go?" I laughed lightly as he shrugged.
"Five more minutes with you first."
I turned my face into the pillow so he couldn't see me cheese at his words.

"Down bad g, down bad."
"Only for you," I felt his smirk against my bare stomach as I practically cackled, pushing his face away from me.
"Go to practice you dickhead."


My phone rang constantly as I tried to ignore it by burying my face into the bedding but it being no use. I groaned, reaching over to take it off the charger and putting it to my ear.

"I'm sleeping what do you want?"
"Fucking hell Ayodele! I've been tryna get hold of you for time! Alejandro's here having a go, I told him I've got it sorted but apparently I need to tell you," Aryan spoke over the phone, making me sit up.

"What's gwaning?"
"Jayden and his boys."
"Fuck off," I got up, grabbing a pair of joggers and slipping them on as I talked, "What's he done?"
"We were playing down the field and they all came over. Defo just looking for a fight, they were in that type of mood, just being bare jarring. Anyway, James and his shit fucking passes, he booted it way off the pitch and as I've gone to get it, the prick's obviously got there first," he started.

I winced, seeing where this was already going, "He ain't hurt none of you or nothing though right?"
"Aryan's got a black eye and his shoulder's fucking purple!" Jandro shouted in the background.
"Shut up!" the other boy argued as my face hardened.
"I'll be there in half an hour."

"It's not even that deep Dele-"
"I'll be there in thirty. Carry on with the story, I'm just getting ready quick."
He groaned, "Okay so he refused to give the ball back and so I started arguing with him. Obviously my vios were bare on point and just class, as you'd expect-"
"Get to the point," I rolled my eyes.

"I might've mentioned you and it must've hit a nerve 'cause he came swinging. I dodged the first one and made the mistake of cracking up 'cause man just tried it again. It was pretty even though, until his friends jumped in 'cause he was losing. Alejandro was first to jump in for me, then Charlie and soon it was just this massive scrap. They're all bare older though it was well unfair! Nicked the ball in the end as well."

"He's literally turning nineteen in a couple weeks and he's starting on a fifteen year old? Man's actually tapped. Don't stress it, I'm not gonna let this run. I know where him and all his main boys' yards are at," I slipped my sliders on, jogging down the hallway and the stairs, into the main lobby just as the team started walking back in.

"I'll text you when I'm on my way. Don't tell no one nothing, not Charlie, not James, not Dylan. No one. This'll get sorted, both you and Alejandro stay at your yard yeah?"
"Yeah, in a bit," he sounded nervous.
"In a bit. It'll all be calm, I got you."

I hung up the phone, now calling one of my old friends Kian. After a few rings he picked up.
"Ayodele? Everything good? My bad about the other day, phone got nicked. I only just got this one but-"
"Are you free? Right now? I need a favour."
"Yeah what's up?" his voice was full of concern.
"Jayden and his boys scrapped my brothers. They're all eighteen/nineteen scrapping fifteen year olds. I just need you lot to scare them a bit, you don't have to fight them but just to make sure he don't get big to them again."

Need - Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now