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I kicked at the loose gravel from where I was sat, wondering what was going on inside right now. The sound of footsteps made me turn around.

"Bukayo I'm not- Oh."
Jude stood there, awkwardly smiling, "Not Kayo."
"I can see that," I leant backwards onto the cage surrounding the basketball court.
"Sorry for shouting in there," he scratched the back of his neck, waiting for a response, "Erm if you didn't wanna talk about it then I should've accepted that and-"

"Just forget about it," I shrugged, looking up to see him shaking his head.
"Can I explain why I was annoyed?" He said as he sat down next to me.
I sighed, ready for another speech on how I'm a dickhead, "Go on."

"You brush everything off. Like literally everything. I could probably die and you'd just shrug and say it's not deep-"
I laughed, interrupting him, "Alright I can be mean but I wouldn't shrug if you died. Come on!"
He cracked a smile, tilting his head to the side as I made him lose his train of thought, "Okay bad example then, but you get what I mean?"

"Kind of. I guess," I shrugged causing him to laugh and point.
"See! It's like your go-to. I just wish you'd open up to me more y'know? But obviously I'm not gonna force you or anything and I didn't want to say it because then you might just do it because I said to but as gay as it sounds, I really care about you and I-"
I placed my lips on his, stopping his rambling and catching him by surprise as he froze for a second before kissing me back.

I pulled away first, leaning my head onto his shoulder. He then leant his head on mine, throwing an arm around my waist as we sat in a comfortable silence, just taking everything in.

"Tell me more about today then. Alejandro and your little scrap," he laughed, grabbing my hands to check my knuckles, "They don't look too bad. You're gonna have a bruise tomorrow though."

"It's fine and it weren't an actual fight. He got all weird because I said no to smoking with him and started interrogating me because he thought I was working for the feds or something. Then he wouldn't let me out the room. I gave him multiple warnings but he didn't move so I decked him," I shrugged as he wet himself.
"God, you really are something."
I shoved him lightly, "Shut up!"

"Alright, alright. And Alejandro?"
"Are you gonna get aggy again?" I laughed, remembering his reaction when I mentioned him last.
"No, be quiet and explain."
"How can I explain whilst being quiet?"
He let out an exasperated sigh, "You're actually gonna be the death of me."

I cracked up before recomposing myself and beginning to explain, "Yeah so we were talking in the kitchen for a bit before I spoke to Jayden and then he obviously came and split us up. I was just gonna come back here but I felt bad that the person who was meant to be showing him about was Jayden. He barely even spoke to him and when he did he was horrible. So I offered to go park with him and we played a football game with a couple other boys and I left him with them afterwards so hopefully he's made some friends in the area now."

Jude just smiled, causing my cheeks to flush, "What?"
"You're not a bitch. If anything, I think I'd call you sweet."
"Shut up. I can be a bitch when I want to," I said, cringing at his words.
He laughed, "Yeah I know."
That earnt him a shove from me and we went back and forth, nudging each other harder every time as we held in our laughs.

I froze when I saw Bukayo making his way up the path, hands deep in his pockets as he looked around nervously.
"Dele can I talk to you please? If you're busy then I-"
Jude got up, patting his shoulder as he headed towards the building, turning around only to give me an encouraging smile.

"I'm sorry that I blew up at you. I didn't even mean any of it and I knew you didn't do anything I just needed to let out how I was feeling but I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I don't want you to leave and you don't cause me stress. I've been stressing more without you."

Need - Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now