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"Forever and always."
More tears started to fall at his words as I wiped his own away.
"You mean so much to me considering we haven't known each other that long. I don't know if I should be happy or scared," he continued, laughing lightly despite how sad we both were.

He placed a kiss on my forehead, causing me to look up at him with a sad smile. He kissed it a second time and I guided his face to mine before he could sit up again, pulling his lips against mine. The kiss started off slow before he became hungry with it, pulling my whole body onto his rather than just my head on his chest. I sat up a bit, straddling him almost, as I continued to kiss him, returning it with the same hunger.

The sounds of people in the hallway caused me to pull away, smiling shyly, "I don't think we should be doing this."
He shrugged, smirking, "That's okay. We can finish this another time."
I rolled my eyes, pushing his head away from me softly before sitting how we were previously, his laughter giving me comfort.

He wrapped an arm around me, squeezing my shoulder gently, "Try get some sleep, you seem tired."
"No I'm fine, stay," I insisted, not wanting to be by myself.
He laughed, "I was going to stay anyway so stop lying and admit you're knackered."
"Shut up," I mumbled, eyes fluttering open and closed until I finally gave in, shuffling around to get comfy as he held his arms around me loosely, "Thank you."

He pushed the braids away from my face as I kept my eyes closed, "For what?"
"Everything. Little by little you're helping me get better and you don't even know it."
He kissed my forehead, sighing before speaking, "That's all you, I'm here for the moral support."
I laughed despite my tired state, "Night Judas."
"Goodnight Alli."


"Nah man that's peak, leave them be."
"That's my little sister!"
"They're not doing nothing. Both their clothes from yesterday are on and he's on top of the covers."
"It doesn't matter!"

I woke up to voices arguing in my room, I wiped my eyes to be faced with Jack and Bukayo.
"Morning, wanna argue somewhere else?" I asked sarcastically, yawning as I did so.
"Oi I was sticking up for you," Jack said, pulling a face.

"Why is Bellingham in your room? Again?" My brother started, crossing his arms and ignoring my comment.
I rolled my eyes, "Because he's just so leng, I can't resist myself." I felt him smile against my arm and knew he had woken up.

"I'm not laughing Ayodele. This can't be happening. We have training in an hour, you're lucky we realised he was missing and went to look for him otherwise he would've missed it."
"He managed to get ready in ten minutes last time, I think an hour is enough," I smirked, knowing full well I was on thin ice.

I laughed at his stoney expression and soon watched his strict façade falter until he was laughing with me.
"God you piss me off. You're lucky I can't stay mad at you," he rolled his eyes, following Jack out of the room, "Bellingham I know you're awake, don't think you're getting out of this. See you at training."

He shut the door behind them and I fell back into my pillows, Jude turning to face me as he smiled.
"Morning beautiful."
I tried not to blush, acting nonchalant, "Yeah morning idiot."

He rolled his eyes, grin evident as he pulled me closer by the waist, "After training you wanna go somewhere?"
"Like where?" I pressed on, knowing full well that campus was boring as fuck.
He shrugged, "I'll order an uber."
"We can do that?" I asked, looking at him incredulously.
"It's not prison," he laughed at my surprise.

"This is so mad. So I can just casually leave and come back to the England Football team's hotel and it's fine?"
"Well it's not a hotel but yeah," he continued to laugh as I grabbed my phone.
"So this whole time that I've been stuck with you dickheads, I could've met up with my friends?"
He held his heart, "Hey there's only so much abuse a guy can take."
"Well get used to it, it's a love language," I smiled stupidly as I rolled away from him to get up.

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