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"Right. I've ordered Sanch the Louie V trousers with them shirts and the Jordans. I paid extra for them to be here tomorrow morning. He can literally just take a photo of all of the stuff laid out and then just tag my new account. He's paid me for sourcing everything and a little extra on top to get me started- which he wouldn't let me leave before you start. So, all good?"

"All good," Bukayo smiled at me, "Reiss offered for me to stay at his until that apartment gets signed off so I can always give you money for hotels or things since I'm not paying anything yet for housing."
"I've got me, don't worry."
"What's your plan then?" he raised an eyebrow as I stalled to think of an answer.

"I've got a spare bedroom if you need," Jadon offered, returning to the dining room where my brother and I had been sat the past hour, laptops and paperwork at hand; finally being productive.

"Nope, no and no," Bukayo stated, straight faced.
I laughed, "Why not? Don't make it weird."
"Just no. I know your game," he pointed at Sancho who looked at him wide eyed.

"What you tryna say bruv? Sorry Dele but like, you ain't really my type like that so I wouldn't try it anyway you know?"
"Bullshit, you try it and are literally friends with my boyfriend," I laughed.
"And he ain't about to be no more," he grinned, "My chance to slide in, innit?"
"No," Bukayo and I spoke at the same time, cracking up at the defeated looking Jadon.

"Nah I'm joking," his grin returned, "But if either of you actually need a place to stay whilst you get back on your feet, you know I got you."

"Aw, appreciate it."
"Shut up or I'll take it back."
"You guys are too similar, freaking me out man. Jadon post the stuff and tag her, I'm gone," Kayo packed up the laptops and papers, bringing them with him as he left.

"Jadon do this, Jadon do that. Honestly," he rolled his eyes, searching in his pocket for his phone whilst I turned up the music that was already playing from my one.

He started singing along when Leaked by Lil Tjay came on, a song he added to my playlist the day we picked my things up from my parents.

"If she ask to spend the night then I might give her what she want," he had his phone out, checking himself out whilst I died with laughter at the lightskin faces he was pulling. He rolled his eyes, laughing too and panning the camera to me and then the items I had brought him which lay on the table.

"Everything is going gucci, see me Lou V," he shouted along in excitement, phone against the Louis Vuitton trousers, "Love Dele, Loveee!"

"Stop screaming man," I winced, making him frown as he spoke to the camera.
"Killing the mood, honestly the worst personal shopper ever."

He ended the video there and I soon got a notification that I had been tagged in his story, on his main account.
"Jadon, that's your main."
"You wanted promo," he shrugged as I looked at him wide eyed.
"It's meant to be professional, not a video of us wetting ourselves and you screaming."

He shrugged again just as Jude walked in, back from showering after playing a last match with some of the other boys before they set off home, "Everything sorted?"
I nodded, walking over as he held an arm out to pull me into an embrace, "Did you win?"
He scoffed, "Obviously."

"Go get ready, I'll take you out to eat," he let me out his grip.
"We can just-"
"I'm taking you out. Get ready." I gave him a look for the bossiness, making him crack a smile, "Come on."

"Yeah, listen to your man Dele," Jadon teased, making me roll my eyes.
"I will, enjoy dinner on your own Jay."
"Oi," I burst out laughing at the hurt on his face before saying I was joking and then heading off to my room.

Need - Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now