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We stayed in each other's arms for the next hour and a bit until he really had to leave for training and I was left smiling to myself.

I don't know what made me change my mind so randomly like that. I think it was just the fact that he told me what he was thinking and I could do it back without there being an argument. It kinda just confirmed it for me, that we'd be good together. Jayden would always take offense if I told him that something he was doing was upsetting me and then it'd turn into an argument but even when Jude and I aren't dating, somehow our communication is already better than what it was with him.

I think the difference between the two is that Jude actually cares for me and my well-being over all. Jayden was the one who introduced me to weed and always begged me to do it with him. If you truly loved someone you would never do that, even if that meant you had to go outside and smoke on your own.

But then again, maybe my first relationship was just so bad that it set the bar so low. Maybe every normal guy is like this and I'm just used to it. Maybe it's just second nature to Jude and he doesn't really care, he just checks in on me every now and again out of politeness. I wouldn't know. I've only had one experience with so called love in my lifetime and it put me off it completely but Jude seemed to have changed that.

I was already wide awake so decided to bell Alejandro and talk to him on speaker whilst I got ready as both of us kept missing each other, being busy at different times.

"Wait, wait, wait!" He practically cackled, "Explain again! How? What? Aren't you horrible to him?"
My jaw dropped, "I'm never horrible! What do you mean?"

The phone being silent was enough of an answer for me, "Alright whatever. But it doesn't matter because I'm just irresistible."
"Irresistible?" his voice was higher, indicating he was asking me what it meant, this happened quite often.

I laughed loudly, pausing the application of my concealer to talk to him, "You'll find out soon enough. Spend a week with me and you'll know."
He continued asking questions, obviously not understanding the joke as I continued to crack up on my side of the phone, finding myself hilarious.

"Oy! Shush. What are you doing today?"
I shrugged although he couldn't see me, "Dunno. The boys get back around two as usual so just chilling until then. What you doing?"
"Nada. Come park again?" he asked, voice hopeful.

I groaned, "But I'll have to get an uber there."
"You can't drive?" he sounded surprised.
"You can?"
"Sí. I can see if Lara let me borrow her car, she might not though."
"Oh my god Lara!" I smiled, remembering the woman who stepped up when my parents couldn't, "Tell her it's to come get me, she'll let you."
"Pfft, I'm her favourite now."
"Boy be quiet and text me if you can get me. If not I'm not coming I'll be real."
He groaned, "Lazy ass-"
"Benched motherfu-"

"At least I'm still on a team dick head."
"You're still saying it wrong. Say it together and with something behind it."
"Dickhead bruv."
"There we go," I laughed and heard him chuckle on the other end before drawing in a breath, signalling we were bringing the call to an end.

"I'll text you if I convince her."
"Is everyone gonna be there?" I asked, reaching over for my laptop to play some music as I finished getting ready.
He hummed, "Mhm. I think so anyway. I play with all of them now but Aryan is the only one that we come around each other's houses."
"You got a new bestie already? Woww."
"No way he's annoying as shit. But it's good because he teaches me the bad words. I know dickhead from you but now I know shit, fuck off, piss off, he's a wanker mate, bitch, bastard, fucking cun-"

"Stop!" I interrupted him, basically wetting myself as he questioned why it was funny, "You don't just recite them whenever you want, especially that last one, save them for when you're pissed off."

Need - Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now