S2: Winner Take All

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The episode opens to a pile of cards on a table. Each shows a natural element: lightning, moon, and so forth. On each line, the named card is tossed into view. The first one covers a tree.

Raven: Fire beats Wood.

Cyborg: But Water beats Fire.

Beast Boy: Sun dries up Water.

Robin: And Thunderstorm blocks out Sun.

Pull back on the end of this line to frame the original six Titans; Mason, Robin, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire; playing this game around the coffee table in the operations center of Titans Tower. The card pile sits in its center. It is daytime. Cut to each speaker in turn.

Raven: I'm out.

Mason: I fold.

Beast Boy: Me too.

Starfire: I wish to...go the fish?

Pull back; Mason, Raven and Beast Boy lean over to check her cards.

Beast Boy: Uh, you want to fold, Starfire.

Starfire: Fold? That is good? I am victorious?

The two kibitzers shake their heads; Beast Boy's ears droop as well. As they lean away, a small drop of sweat pops out on Starfire's temple and a very uneasy look comes over her face. Finally, she lays her cards face down on the table and hangs her head. Cut to Robin's side.

Robin: Sorry, Star.

He stands and reaches to sweep up the cards.

Robin: I guess I'm just...invincible!

Cyborg reaches into view and stops him.

Cyborg: Ah, ah, ah. How can you be invincible if I've still got one card?

(Zoom in on him during this line; he holds it up, faced toward himself. Extreme close-up of Robin, grimacing and lowering his brows, then cut back to the opponent.)

Cyborg: Come on, Robin. You know you want to play me for it. One last round, winner take all.

Robin: You're on, Cyborg, and you're going down!

He sits and picks up his cards, scrutinizing them as if he were playing five-card draw with his life savings in the pot. One eyebrow pops up and down behind the hand; he glares across the table at Cyborg, who flicks that single card teasingly back and forth. The two stare each other down for a few seconds before Robin makes his play. The card he throws down shows a funnel cloud; he leans back confidently in his chair.

Robin: Tornado! Beat that!

Cut to the table's center, pointing straight up at the three spectators. They jam their faces into the camera lens, all six eyes bulging in surprise.

Mason, Beast Boy, Raven and Starfire: Ooooh!

Pull back. Cyborg has his best poker face firmly established, but he breaks the stoicism with a casual shrug.

Cyborg: Well, okay.

Close-up of the card in his hand as he raises it, then pull back; now he has one foot propped on the table, and he slaps it down. His head grows a few notches for this shot.

Cyborg: Boo-yah!

Close-up of the pile. When he removes his hand, the card's face is revealed as a flaming meteor. Mason, Starfire and Raven gasp, their eyes popping even wider, and Robin leans over the table.

Robin: Meteor?!?

Mason: The one-in-a-million wild card that beats all others!

Beast Boy: Ohhh...it's too beautiful for words.

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