S4: Stranded

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Opening shot: a stretch of outer space, empty except for the myriad of stars that shine in the distance. A large space station floats slowly into view and away from the camera, followed by the speeding T-Ship-rebuilt after its run-in with that bionic squid in "Wavelength", as Earth's orbit carries it onto the screen.

Cut to inside a docking bay and pull back; the Titans come in for a quick landing, and a flashlight beam plays across a dark, deserted, wrecked control panel. Cables hanging from ripped-out overhead panels, sparks crackling randomly here and there; the place appears to have been hit by a tornado.

The flash is in Mason's hand; he moves ahead, as does Beast Boy with one of his own.

Mason: Looks like we've found out why communication relays from this space station have stopped.

Robin, Starfire and Cyborg come up. She, too, has a light and fingers some of the dangling wires; he has his shoulder flash at work.

Starfire: Everything has been destroyed.

Cut to inside one of the damaged control panels, the camera pointing out at all six Titans. Raven is the only one without a flashlight. Cyborg leans in for a good close look at the damage.

Cyborg: I knew it. We've got a malfunctioning bifurcating dialator.

Cut to Raven.

Raven: Yeah. That was my first guess.

Robin: Can you fix it?

Cyborg: No problem.

He retracts both hands into the forearms and extends an impressive array of tools from each. In no time flat, he is on his back and working furiously at the circuitry.

Cyborg: I've just gotta cross the conjoining wires with the transistor couplers, connect the oscillator to the main data port, and we're good to go.

Beast Boy: Can't he ever just speak English?

During this line, a large shadowy form clambers along the support framework overhead, unnoticed by the Titans. As it passes o.c., the lights come on thanks to Cyborg's repair work; the other four smile and a panel winks to life while he pats it lovingly. Pan to frame him.

Cyborg: She's purring like a kitten. Let's go.

The rest of the team heads back toward the ship at a wave from him. Close-up of them.

Robin: Why would somebody trash the communications station?

A glob of liquid drops onto the hood of Raven's cloak, bringing everyone up short; pull back as they look upward.

Raven: Not somebody.

Pull back again to frame the thing whose silhouette climbed along the ceiling, then cut to a close-up. Thick arms, spindly legs, large stumpy body with no visible neck, deep-set eyes, hide in two different shades of brown, wide drooling mouth that made a mess of Raven's hood.

Raven: Something.

Mason: You are one ugly mother-

Pull back as it looses a thundering roar that shatters all the lights and tears up the catwalk leading to the repaired communications equipment. Cyborg does his best to stand against the onslaught, but the stress proves too great for his circuits and they start to blow out.

One by one, each Titan is swept off his/her feet and flung screaming across the station. Next, the control panels short out again and the wide observation windows crack as the ceiling begins to cave in. Cut to just outside them briefly, then back to the Titans as the debris stops falling. They sit up with a round of woozy groans.

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