S4: Mother Mae-Eye

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Open to the exterior of Titans Tower during the day. Zoom in slowly and cut to a close-up of Starfire; she is framed right side up, but sprawled out on something based on the spread of her hair, and absolutely dead to the world.

The camera pulls back and rotates 90 degrees to show that she is lying on the couch in the operations center. Cut to a slow pan across Beast Boy, fetched up against the end cushions, then to a similar shot of Cyborg and Raven near the door. Pull back to frame the entire room; now we see Mason and Robin over by the kitchen counter. Everyone is out like a light.

Zoom in slowly and cut to the brothers, who sits up with a weary groan.

Robin: How did I...

He shakes his head to clear it, then smiles.

Robin: Hey! I'm hungry.

Mason: Same here.

The others get up in turn, beaming except for Starfire.

Raven: Me too.

Beast Boy: Me three.

Cyborg: Make it four!

Starfire joins them.

Starfire: But who is going to feed us?

The voice that answers her question sounds just like everyone's kindly old grandmother.

Kindly voice: Hello, sweeties!

Cut to the speaker, standing in front of the windows. Though visible only in silhouette for the moment, her plump figure and hair bunched up under a cloth cap match the mood projected by her voice. This is Mother Mae-Eye.

Mother: Now that we've all had a nice nappy-wappy, what would my hungry little ones like to eat?

On the second half of this line, the camera cuts to a close-up of her face and she steps into the light. She fits the expected description to a T, even down to the rosy cheeks and white shawl secured with a brooch. Cut/pan through the Titans.

Mason: Pie!

Robin: Pie!

Raven: Pie!

Beast Boy: Pie!

Starfire: Pie!

Cyborg: PIE!!

Six small pies, freshly baked, judging from the steam rising off their crusts, wink into being on the counter. The Titans slide up to them and brandish forks of various makes and models.

Titans: Thank you, Mother Mae-Eye.

They attack the desserts with great gusto, Starfire spearing hers on the pitchfork she holds and stuffing half of it down in one bite. Cut to behind them and zoom in as Mother moves closer, laughing; in addition to the cap and shawl, she wears a red dress and a pink apron with a large eye set dead center. A wooden spoon is in one hand.

Mother: You're ever so welcome, my children. And remember... Mother loves you.

Iris out" partially, stopping for a moment on her left eye, which winks and throws off a bit of glittering dust before the black screen closes up entirely.


Open up to the exterior of the Tower. Zoom in slowly.

Mother: Oh, this drab and dreary Tower will never do.

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