S5 Finale: Titans Together

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Opening shot: a cluster of red location signals, winking into view against the black screen one by one. During the next line, a section of the world map in the Paris hideout of the Brotherhood of Evil fades in behind them, showing the blips on the American Pacific coast with more appearing throughout the country. Pull back.

Brain: Patiently, we watched you all...

Dissolve to a close-up of Pantha's extended hand.

Brain: ...waiting for our moment to strike.

Cyborg sets a communicator on the palm, whereupon the background goes red and the view dissolves a close-up of Starfire's two hands covering one of Argent's. The comm is visible through the fingers; when she pulls them away, the field reddens again. On the next line, dissolve to a pan across the world map, revealing marked locations in Europe and Africa.

Brain: You forged your alliance.

Dissolve to Jericho's hand as Beast Boy passes him a communicator; the field goes red. Next dissolve: a slow pan across Raven in the Herald's limbo, offering one to him.

Brain: You trusted without cause.

On the end of this, dissolve to a close-up of Kole and Gnarrk in their jungle and pull back slowly; Mason and Robin is holding one out to them. The next such transition shows the map, now with spots picked out in Asia as well. Pull back slowly.

Brain: And finally, when you thought your world was safe...

Dissolve to the T-Ship, lifting off into the night, and tilt down quickly to ground level. Hot Spot stands here, fully heated up and with a communicator in hand-this is a flashback to the end of "Trust." The teen's appearance instantly gives way to that of Madame Rouge.

Brain: ...it fell apart before your very eyes.

Exhaust washes over the screen and dissipates to give an overhead view of the city Bumblebee was patrolling when Angel and Punk Rocket attacked her. Night is falling, and she and her laser stingers follow suit after a moment, dropping away from the camera. The two enemies swoop down toward her and are soon lost in a thick bank of clouds, which clears on the next thing to show Starfire zooming low over a body of water and ready to start throwing some heat.

Brain: You are merely pawns in a game...

Kitten swings down in front, riding the steed she borrowed from Killer Moth, and cracks her juiced-up whip at the camera. The glare yields to an extreme close-up of the insect's head; pull back as lifts away into the dusk.

Brain: ...and you have played your part perfectly.

The motion now exposes Starfire's limp body caught in the moth's forelegs, and in no time the rest of the swarm is on her. Cut to a pan across the nighttime Arctic landscape where we last saw Cyborg.

Brain: There is nowhere you can hide.

Cut to the big man, standing a short distance from the T-Ship's stern. He arms his sonic cannon and looks around a bit, only to get blindsided by Mammoth and sent sliding into a crevasse.

Brain: And there is nothing you can do to stop us.

After he has plunged out of sight, Mammoth steps to the edge and the camera zooms in slightly on his impassive face. From here, dissolve to a slow pan across Aqualad and Tramm, braced for trouble amid several craters on the ocean floor. The latter is down to his normal size, but quickly bulks up as he did while fighting XL Terrestrial. The craters suddenly erupt in spurts of flame and steam, underwater geysers or volcanoes, and the pair are briefly lost amid a great gush of vapor.

Out of it emerge Trident and the grotesque whale form of Plasmus, swimming side by side; the Atlantean villain tackles Aqualad, while the living sludge bucket forms his fins into arms to bulldoze Tramm away. Both heroes are rammed into a rock formation, and the attackers back away as dust and collapsing stone hide the spot from view entirely.

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