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After our failed attempt to lay our issues to rest, Alexander and I go our separate ways. Disappearing into our bedrooms where we remain for the rest of the night.

The following morning, I'm awakened by the sound of voices coming from somewhere in the house. A female voice that doesn't sound like any of the staff I met yesterday. Curious, I climb out of bed and pad down the hall to follow the voices.

But they're not on the second story.

I make my way downstairs where the voices grow louder and follow them to the kitchen. Completely unprepared for the sight that plays out in front of me.

Alexander stands behind a giggling woman in front of the stove.

Too close for my comfort.

With his arms around her and his hand over hers. Showing her how to cook. She giggles when he makes a joke about her never having children because the poor things would starve to death. Then she looks back at him and notices me standing in the doorway. Alexander follows her gaze and smiles when he sees me.

But I'm not in a smiling mood.

Seeing him be so intimate with another woman... standing so close to her and being so flirtatious... it affects me more than I'm expecting.

It feels like a punch to the chest.

A mild panic attack follows, leaving me breathless, hurt, and crushed. Making me realize how much he still means to me. But rather than make a scene, I turn on my heels and march all the way back to my room to start packing my things.

I refuse to stay and have him flaunt her in my face.

"What are you doing?" Alexander asks from the doorway. "Where are you going?"

"Home." I reply. The ache in my chest growing worse by the minute.

"Did something happen?"

"Yes!" I snap. "You!"

"I'm not following you." He frowns.

"Doesn't matter. I'm so stupid. When you said you were taking me to London, I thought..."

I can't finish my thought because it would only make me feel stupider than I already do. Instead, I focus on packing my things until my sadness turns to anger and I can no longer hold in my disappointment.

"Why is she here, Alexander?" I ask. "Is she your way of getting back at me for what I said?"

He frowns at first. Like he's confused or doesn't know what I'm talking about and the drop dead gorgeous girl downstairs with the hourglass figure and perfect high cheekbones is just a figment of my imagination.

Then he smirks.

"Jealousy suits you." He peers at me with amused eyes.

Teasing me.


More determined than ever, I make sure everything is in my purse and reach for my shoes.

"Is everything okay?" Drop-dead gorgeous girl asks. Coming to his side.

"No. Everything is not okay. I came here thinking we would... he and I would... you know what... it doesn't matter anymore. He's all yours."

"What have you gone and done now, Zandy?" She swats at him. "You've never brought a girl home to meet the family before and the first one you bring is here for less than a day. You have seriously got to up your game, cousin. This is truly concerning."