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( 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘺𝘶'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷 )

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( 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘺𝘶'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷 )

My eyes slowly blinked open allowing the golden sunlight of the morning to practically blind me. My surroundings became engulfed by the rays of light however I knew for a fact that there was no couch this soft that resided in our dorm and no blanket this warm.

"Oh shit!" I whisper-yelled.

The sight of Jiyeon sleeping peacefully wrapped in my arms had initially startled me but in almost the same amount of time comforted me. I wasn't sure how long we'd been asleep or how we became wrapped around each other but those questions were quickly pushed to the back of my mind.

Jiyeon seemed to be in complete deep sleep with her eyebrows knitted together, mouth agape, and hair all messed up. It was adorable.

I admired her for a few more seconds until I saw her eyes fluttering, placing a smile on my face.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty." She seemed to also be initially confused as to why she had woken up in my arms but after her consciousness started flooding in she simply smiled. Jiyeon dug her face deeper into my chest and chuckled a bit. 

"Says you. My guy you were passed out the moment your eyes closed." I only laughed lightly as I knew she was completely right. After being in an industry where there is no time to sleep, you not only had to get creative but also extremely good at falling asleep on command. Jeonghan had most definitely mastered that.

After our small laughter died down we continued resting in each other's arms as we looked at the ceiling. It was nothing too interesting but the peace and serenity of the moment made that not matter much.

Jiyeon shuffled a bit and my mind immediately went to the surrealness of this all. I mean, we were literally sworn enemies until a few days ago, not to mention we hadn't even met a couple weeks ago. Yet here we were, wrapped in each other's arms as if we had been happily married for years.

In retrospect, it's not too bizarre since some people I know have asked their partners out after just meeting them, but with Jiyeon I could tell this wasn't going to be just some fling. I liked her and I intended to see how this would go.

And of course the fact that Jiyeon had gone along with my crazy and spontaneous confession had made it all less awkward. We were pretty similar in that aspect I guess.

Suddenly the vibration of my phone had woken the both of us from our trance and although I wasn't planning on checking the call in the first place, I reluctantly fished my phone out of my back pocket only to feel pure cloth.

"Where's my phone?" Jiyeon looked around the couch along with me until she chuckled. "It's right here dumbass." She teased, snatching it off the coffee table and handing it to me with a smile of amusement on her face. I honestly couldn't care less if she had won that mini-battle which was completely out of character but whatever. This whole relationship was out of character.

Jiyeon ran her hands through her hair, grabbing her phone to drown herself in as I brought my own to my ear. Honestly, all I wanted to do was just to stay in that moment for as long as humanly possible so whoever was calling me right now would surely deal with my frustration for the rest of their life.

"Hello?" I only playfully glared at Jiyeon who chuckled due to my monotone and annoyed way of speaking but it was completely justified. I just wanted to get this call over with and go back to our hug session.

"Where the fuck are you!?" My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to think of why Seungcheol was so mad at me.

Suddenly, Jiyeon stood up from her spot on the couch in a hurry.

"Hold on, I'm gonna mute for a second." I could care less about Seungcheol's yells and turned my attention instead towards Jiyeon who laughed yet again.

She set her phone down and looked at me "I'm gonna go change and probably order some coffee, you want some? Oh and I can hand you one of my oversized shirts for now if your staying over. It might fit you."

"Sure, I'll just have whatever your having and I'll check out your closet later." I smiled warmly at our casual way of speaking as she walked away until I noticed the line had gone completely silent.

I slowly turned my head to look at my screen only to notice I had in fact not muted myself and now Seungcheol had literally heard the entirety of that conversation.

Before I had the chance to say anything Seungcheol interrupted me. "So that's where you are huh? Be at the dorm at 10am sharp." As he hung up I could practically feel my soul leave my body. Seungcheol wasn't really scary to us but instead intimidating. He had that aura around him which made everyone want to follow his lead and shiver at his discipline. Although, personally I had seen way to much of his other personality to be that scared of him.

I took a deep breath and stood up. "Please someone fucking kill me."


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