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The morning sun was never welcome yet today it seemed even more bitter than usual

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The morning sun was never welcome yet today it seemed even more bitter than usual. I opened my eyes to find only a blanket in my arms and Jiyeon nowhere in sight. Immediately my panic spiked. The both of us had fallen asleep in each other's arms on Jiyeon's couch last night and it was safe to say that that was the best sleep I've had in forever. Jiyeon liked me. . .she loved me. Hearing her say that was enough to practically brighten my entire year at this point.

I ruffled my hair before hurriedly making my way out of the living room area, eventually finding myself behind the door of Jiyeon's bedroom. For whatever reason even though we have been sleeping together it was always on the couch and never actually in a bed. Well the fact that Jiyeon's bed at the moment was literally just a mattress may have been why.

It was Jiyeon's apartment after all so I figured I'd might as well knock. Although just as I raised my hand, I paused myself. 

"Hey Kyung! It's been like so fucking long how are you?" My eyebrows furrowed at the mention of Kyungmin. It's not that I was jealous per-se since I know the two have been friends for like ever, but what I do know is that they were extremely close. Like stay at each other's house and pet-sit for each other type of close. Like seriously pet-sitting for someone for any time longer than 2 weeks is downright love at that point.

I also didn't really mean to eavesdrop or anything but. . .y'know.

There was a pause as I'm assuming Kyungmin was speaking. "What do you mean?"

Another pause. "What about me and Mingyu?" My ears perked up? Why were they talking about me?

"Okay hold on I'll check or. . .whatever."

. . .

"YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME." At her exclamation I immediately swung open the door and saw Jiyeon standing still with her phone in her hand. Her head whipped towards mine and I saw her eyes were wide, scarily wide. 

"Jiyeon. . .are you okay?" I could finally hear Kyungmin on the other line but Jiyeon didn't seem interested at all. 

"I'll call you back later Kyung." Her thumb glided across the end call button and she once again turned to me. 

She didn't speak a word and I grew even more worried. "Jiyeon. . .baby are you okay what's up please tell me" I'd never called her baby or anything before but it just flowed out so easily that I hadn't even noticed I'd said it. I only went to hold Jiyeon's shoulders and turned her face to look directly at me. 

She was crying.


"Mingyu- I- Damn it I'm so sorry." She said through her soft tears as she sat herself down on her mattress. 

"You don't have to be sorry for anything Yeon what are you talking about?" I gently pulled her hands in mine as my eyebrows furrowed.

It was silent until Jiyeon sighed, "Its out Mingyu. The news about is us out. . .fuck! I'm so fucking sorry Mingyu." She ripped her hands from mind and buried her head in them. As long as I'd known Jiyeon she came off as someone not too emotional at all, so the fact she was crying over us. . .wait US?

I quickly whipped out my phone and immediately clicked on instagram. And of course as soon as I opened the app my eyes widened with the first post. The more i scanned the caption and looked over the comments I could understand where Jiyeon was coming from. Dispatch must have caught us talking on the balcony last night. Luckily enough though we weren't hugging or kissing so it wouldn't be too hard to say we were friends- DAMN IT MINGYU FOCUS ON THE PRESENT.

"Yeon. . .please there is nothing to be sorry about." I gently placed my hands around her cheeks and brought her face to look at me before bringing her into a hug. 

She didn't say anything and all I could hear were her sniffles. "Mingyu I literally got you into a scandal at the height of your career! If I wouldn't have taken up this stupid job then I never would have caused Kyungmin or you a scandal."

"Jiyeon why would you say that? You are the best thing to come into my life for a long time, and I'm sure it's the same for Kyungmin." I really didn't want to acknowledge that guy but I don't think this is really the time to be holding any grudges.

"Gyu face it. I'm just a fucking stylist like we can't even go in public together. I'm not good for your image Mingyu." My mind was spiraling.


"I- what?" She paused herself almost immediately.

"You underestimate how much influence I have in not only pledis but this industry as a whole. Dating someone as gorgeous, kind, and thoughtful as you could never tarnish my image. And quite frankly I couldn't care less if it did. I love you Jiyeon and if you need us to go public to prove that then I will do just that." Jiyeon stayed quiet until she moved her gaze away from mine, yet I kept my own on her. 

"No that's not it Mingyu. It's just. . .wouldn't it be better for you to be dating an idol instead? It probably be so much better for your image and you could like go out and do couple-y stuff. You can't do that with a non-celebrity like me-"

Honestly at this point I wasn't exactly sure what to do to stop Jiyeon from doubting herself so I placed my lips on hers into a kiss. Pulling away I decided to speak before she got a chance to. "I love you Jiyeon! You are so perfect and I wouldn't trade you for the world so please. . .stop doubting yourself." It seemed either my speech or kiss had taken her out of her trance and she shook her head as if shaking out her previous ideas. 

"I'm sorry Mingyu I don't know what got into me. I guess after what happened to Kyungmin I didn't want to do that to you. . .better yet Soonyoung and the entirety of Seventeen." 

I sighed. I could slightly see where she was coming from although I never wanted her to feel bad about herself. Even though we'd only been dating for a hot minute I loved Jiyeon to the moon and back, these past days made me even more sure of it. I don't care if I'm moving too fast.

"Jiyeon don't be sorry. Just promise me one thing okay?" She nodded.

"Never doubt yourself alright? I know we haven't been dating for long but please trust me when I tell you I love you." 

"I do trust you Mingyu. . .but what now?" Normally when it came to scandals we would converse with the whole group since even if one member got caught up in something it affects us all. Although, I realized that only 4/12 of my members knew we were dating let alone found a liking to each other. To talk to them we would have to reveal our relationship first.

"Well whenever a scandal comes up within Seventeen we always talk about it. . .together."

She took a deep breath.

"Alright then, let's talk with them."


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