Chapter 3

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It was an ordinary life back then. Just me, mom and dad laughing and playing together. We were so happy just to have each other then. Until one day, grandpa and his bodyguards went to our house and forcing my dad to go with him. But dad keep on refusing. They kicked him, punched him in front of me and mom. We both so afraid and move to save him that time. In the end grandpa won, dad decided to go with him without us. But after two weeks dad came back and took us with him. He said, he's allowed now to take us.

At first I'm so confused about the situation we have. I have so many questions in my mind that needed an answer. But after we live in grandpa's house, I realized, we are not that ordinary family as I thought. My grandpa is a leader of a huge mob organization in the country. And my dad is his heirer. We used to live with many bodyguards inside and outside of the house.

I'm in the age of 13, when mom died in an ambush. She went to check the grand casino that day, but when she's in her way back home they shower her car with bullets. The doctor declared her dead on arrival. That time, I saw my dad how his world falls down. He's so miserable in seeking justice for my mom. He learned to kill every gangs that come in his way. He didn't show mercy to anyone.

After three years, he came home with a woman. He said he will marry her. No one question him, aside from me.

"What?! How can you marry a woman you just met?" I asked.

"I known her a year now."

"And where did you met her before? Bar? Casino?"

"Uno, she's a decent woman?"

"Decent? How come she's forcing herself to a married man?"

"For pity sake, I'm a widow now. Your mom already died three years ago, Uno."

"That's why, you picked a cheap slut because of your uncontrollable libido!"

A second next, a big hand slapped my face. I was startled. I felt my face got heated. This is the first time dad hit me.

"Uno... I'm sorry... I didn't mean it... I'm sorry son..." dad apologized. I saw his eyes full of regrets.

I looked at him with determination. "You can marry her as you wanted. But from now on, expect nothing from me, Master." I said and leave him.

I went to my room and locked the door. I can't believed he hit me because of that woman. After mom died, I didn't see him seriously dating anyone. And now suddenly, he wants to marry someone. I'm really mad at him.

"Young master." Hoon knocking the door outside.

"What?" I shouted.

"Young Master, I brought ice for your face. Can you open the door, so I can treat you."

"Just live it there. I can do that on my own."

"But Young Master... I need to see your face first if ever you will need an ointment for it."

"Can you just leave me alone? I don't need you."

"I will wait here young master."

"Just go!"

"I'm not. I will stay here."

"Then suit yourself."

I lay in my bed and closed my eyes. But suddenly, I heard Hoon singing outside my door loudly.

"Oh, shit! I hate everyone here!" I raised in the bed and open the door. "Damn you Hoon! I told you to leave me alone. Why can't you understand?"

He smile and entered my room. "I can't leave you that easy young master." he said and place the ice bag to my reddish face.

"You are annoying bastard!" I yelled to him.

"I know and I love you too young master."

I sighed. "Do I need to kill you someday?" I asked, threatening him.

"As you wish young master. But for now let me see your face. Is it hurt?"

"Not really."

"I told you not to provoke the master."

"I got mad. He surprised me. "

"But I know you are intelligent enough to understand him right?"

"Yeah. After my mom died I didn't see him smile again."

"Then why don't you give him a chance to find his happiness again."

"What if that woman just cause trouble for him?"

"How will you know?"

"Did you heard him? He just met that woman for a year. He just enjoying the bed with her."

"Young master, you have such a bold mouth. The master is old enough to know what is he doing. Just trust him."

"I just don't want him to suffer again."

"Despite your bold mouth, you're really so kind young master."

"Shut up."

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