Chapter 4

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It's been two years and a half since dad married Ellise. So far, I see dad enjoying his married life again. He keep on smiling while playing his two years old second son Tres. Yes, I have a half sibling, although I'm not in favor to his mother but I love Tres as my brother.

"Young Master, did you see your little master new tooth? He's so cute." Hoon said happily.


"Is that all you can say?"


"You are so cold."

"What do you want me to say?"

"At least be thankful to have a cute brother."

"I am."

"Not obvious at all."

"I secretly played with him last night."

"Really?!" Hoon said in disbelief.

"Yes. I was just about to check on him in his room, since I can't sleep last night, but its happened that his awake."

"I knew it. You can't resist him."

"His my brother after all."

"How can they say you're a selfish bastard when actually, you are a selfless jerk." Hoon said laughing.

"Yeah, whatever. Now go out to my room, can't you see I'm studying. Out!"

"Nah! Im gonna taking back my word. You are still a colded jerk!" he said running out my room.

I smile after he left. Hoon is the only person who can handle my temper in this house. He never treated me seriously when it comes to my mood. Although he's like an older brother to me but we treated each other in the same age. His a friend who I can talk and tell everything. I'm so comfortable with him maybe because his with me since day one of my staying here in this house.

I finished all my lectures given by my home teacher. Yes, I do home study. Since dad took the position of being the leader of the organization, I'm not allowed to go to school, to malls, to amusement parks. I'm always inside the house with an army of bodyguards. Dad also forbidden me to make friends outside. He said its dangerous to take a risk. Maybe, somehow I understand him but I felt different from others. I also want to enjoy what others do at my age. Watching movie, buying clothes, eating street foods. I want to experience this things outside.

"Young Master, it's time for your training." I heard Drake said outside my door.

"Yes. I'll be there. I just change my clothes." I replied to him.

This is also the time I hated. Dad forced me to have training program from Drake, the head commander of our bodyguards. He said I needed it for my protection. Drake teaches me how to use my own body to protect myself. He also teaches me how to used different guns, knifes and blades. Its funny to think that others enjoying playing their phone while me enjoying playing guns.

I went down to the training ground where several bodyguards are still trained to boost their physical capabilities.

"Young Master. Can we start now?"


"Please, wear this gloves and head protector."

"Okey." after settled everything. I look at him.

"Do I have an intense training today?"

"Do you preferred it?"

"I'm okey with it, just give me a reward if I done good."

"What do you mean young master?

"Spare me time, I want to stroll outside. "

"But Young master, the master won't be happy with it. It's very dangerous."

"Then I go alone."

"Young master..."

"Choose. I'll go alone or go with me?"

"The master will be very angry if he will know it."

"Who would tell him? Unless you are the one who tell him..."

"I will be punished." he said surrendering.

"Its settled then. Let's start. What would I do? Give me the instructions Drake." I said ignoring him.

"Y-yes young master."

After the training, Im all sweat. As expected Drake give me a hard time, but I didn't complained.

"Meet me in the back gate. Use my mom's car."

"Yes, Young Master."

"By the way, I don't need anyone else."

"But.. young master..." he tried to protest.

"That's an order!" I said in autoritive voice.

"Y-yes Sir. I-I understand." he just said.

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