Chapter 7

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I enjoy the pool after the intense training with Drake again. Swimming is best way to release my frustrations in this house.

"Young Master..." I heard someone calling me.

I looked up from the pool and saw Ira in the pool side.

"What?" I asked. I never thought he come first to me. I'm just planning to approach him soon.

"Can I stay here with you?" he asked.


"I just saw you from my window's room. So, I decided to come down since you're alone here."

"Do I looked pity on you?" I asked.

"No. Of course not. I just want to talk to you."

I come out in the pool and pick my towel. "What do you want to talk about?" I sitted in the chair beside the pool.

"Just anything under the sun."

"Sit." I said.

"Thank you." he said smiling.

"Don't smile at me, its too annoying."

"Are you mad at me young master? You look so irritated to me. You always sulking in front of me."

"I'm not nice to anyone here. I bet you already heard that."

"Umm, I heard some about your mood." he honestly said.

"So, don't expect, it will be different to you."

"Do you mind if I asked your age young master?" he asked to changed the topic.


"I just guessed, you're younger than me."


"I'm nineteen."

"Do you expected me call you older brother?"

"Oh, No. That's not what I mean young master."

"Why did you agreed to be here?" I asked him directly, since he open up first.

"The master offered me a good life. Since I don't have anyone to turn to, I agreed."

"Good life? Do you easily believed him?"

"So far, I guess."

"Do you know what you are into?"

"I don't dare to asked, but base on things sorrounded me, I think I'm not clueless."

"You should be scared of. If I where you, I already run away now."

"Then why are you still here young master?"

"What?!" I asked confused.

"You don't like to be here too, right? Actually, despite what you have, you still looked  unhappy."

"Its my own business."

"Same here, I have my own reason why Im still here."

"Are you a spy?" I accused.

"No." he answered calmly.

"You better not. I will not hesitate to kill you if ever." I warned.

"I know young master." he just said and pick up my robe. "Here, wear it. Its getting cold now. Master wouldn't be happy to see you sick."

I looked at him. Aside from Hoon no one dares to approach me and give me concern in this house. Maybe they ackward to come close to me.

"I'm wondering now, what you really planning?"

"Nothing much, young master." he smile.

"I'll be watching you Ira."

"Go on, Im not one of your bodyguard to trembled in fear now."

"You should be, I'm not joking here."

"I'm not provoking you, young master. I'm just trying to be nice to you."

"Who need nice person?" I said and pushed him in the pool.

"Ahhhh..! Uno!" he shouted after startled.

"Watch your mouth bastard, I'm your Young Master."

"Shit, I'm all wet now." Ira said while looking his body inside the pool.

"Oh, Im so sorry for you." I said mocking him.

"Is this fun for you, young master?" he asked while his eyebrow lifted up.

"No. It's just entertaining to see soaking wet." I said mocking him again.

He get off in the pool and walk toward me. "Then let me entertain you more, young master." he grabbed me and jump on the pool again together with me.

We both dive into the pool and I felt breathless because of the water, so I lifted up to take some air. "You're crazy! " I yelled.

"Not crazy than you, Young master."

"I will not tolerate you, bastard!"

"I didn't know the young master has a short-tempered." he said smiling.

"Damn you, jerk!"

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