Chapter 15

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"Young master, are you there? I brought something to eat." madam said outside my door.

"Come in. What is it?" I asked while still reading a book.

"I brought you the cookies that I bake together with the little master."

"Thank you. Just put it in the table." I said still focus in the book.

"Young master, can I asked you something?"

"What?" I look at her.

She sitted in my bed. "Are you still mad at me? It's been so long since your father marry me but you are still cold to me."

I just look at her. I don't need to answer her.

"I'm not planning to replace your mother's place. I know she's so special to you and to your father. I can't compare myself to her. But at least give me a chance to prove myself. I may not be your mother but I can be your friend."

I remain in silent while she continue to talk.

"I appreciate how you care for the little master. Im happy to see how you love him and make him happy too. Young Master, I was so grateful. And for that I want to help you in return."

"What do you mean?" I said confused.

"I know you have a problem, I can see the sadness in your eyes. But you chose to hide it and keep it inside. I'm willing to listen Young Master."

"You know, I can't trust you or anyone here."

"Then try me. If you think I'm not a trustworthy to you. You can shoot me anytime."

"How can I do that?" I asked in cold tone.

"I mean it, Young Master. Think about it." she said before he leave my room.

Actually, I'm not against about master remarried or married again. I know how he needed someone by his side. Someone who gonna take care of him. Beside he's still young, I understand he still have this personal needs. But I don't understand why he married a woman almost half of his age. I can almost considered Ellise as my older sister. I can't help myself to disappoint about this. Plus the idea that he stop seeking justice for my mom's death since he married that woman. I have so many questions that I want to know the answers, but just lead us in an argument often. Now I already give up to asked him and realized, what the used of asking him? Do my mom live again if he answered?

Knocks save me from dazed and brought me to reality. "Young Master?"

"What? Come in. Did you do what I asked you?" I asked Hoon.

"Yes, Young master. I bought a new car for you and find a small apartment as you instructed. And here's your different id's and documents." he reported and give me the brown envelope.

"Good. You really doing a great job."

"If it's not to much, would you care to tell me, what's going on? Why do you need those id's?" Hoon asked.

"I'm planning to run away." I said without hesitation.

"What?! Forgive my word Young Master but are you out of you mind? How can you live outside this house?"

"I can, Hoon. I will live a normal life soon."

"Young Master, you are not used to it.."

"Dont worry about me, I can survive." I said.

"Young Master, I'm afraid of what you're planning. Think twice first before you do this."

"I'm already decided and nothing can change my mind."

"And what about me? You just leave me here? They will surely kill me after they found out your missing." I saw the horrifying face of Hoon for the first time.

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