Chapter 18

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Someone knock in my door. I didn't expect anyone to visit me today. I suddenly got myself alert. "Who is it?" I asked behind the door while holding an small axel.

"Young Master." Hoon replied.

"Mr Hoon you're here." I said happily when I open the door.

"Yes, Young Master. And I'll be here as long as you wanted me."

"What do you mean?"

"The Master, ordered me to stay by your side." he explained.

"Really? That's great. I'm also glad that your alive."

"I'm also glad to serve you again Young Master." Hoon said seriously. "By the way, this flowers from the little master."

"My little bear really sweet." I said.

"Are you ready Young Master? I will drive you to your school."

"Yes. Let's go."

THE CEREMONY ended after 3 hour.

"Congratulations Young Master."

"Thank you. Let's celebrate Hoon."

"Care for a drink?"

"I can't. Where outside I need to be alert."

"Dont be paranoid. I'm here alone for more than two months without any damage."

"Just because no one knows. I heard boss Ira visited you, that means it is possible that our rival will know soon."

"Hoon, one thing that I don't like from you is you are so talkative. Do you think I can't protect my self? Im also well trained."

"But did you tried to train again while away from the main house?" he asked.

I got silent and think. "No. I got obsessed with how life outside."

"See. Young Master don't forget you are still a member of the organization and still the next leader. Our life are not normal the way you wanted. Wether you run away or choose to be the leader, still, you are part of it. You must always ready in action. Don't make thing lightly."

That's the fucking truth. This obsession of mine must be for the meantime only. Soon, I need to face what future have for me.

"Let's buy food instead of lecturing me, Hoon. Tomorrow, we start to look for a new apartment. It's not already safe there as you said."

"Okey, Young Master."

After a while at home.

"Young master this is too much." Hoon said referring to the food we brought. "Can we finished this?"

"Stop talking just eat it, you bastard. You always protesting." I said.

We starting to enjoy our meal when someone knock in the door. We suddenly both stop in eating and look each other. Hoon alerted fast, he went behind the door while holding a gun and sign me to asked who's knocking.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Xander."

"X-xander...wait." I sign back Hoon to sit down again.

"What do you want?" I asked when I opened the door.

"I just want to give you a gift. I heard today is your graduation day." he said offering a box.

I never remember that I told him about my graduation. I even filed a leave in the cafe not telling the truth why I'll be absent today. So, no one knows except my little master and Hoon.

I tried to smile politely even "Oh, thank you Xander. I'm sorry, I can't invite you in, it too late now. But I treat you a meal next time."

"Its okey. I understand. Well, I go ahead now. Congrats."

"Thank you again."

"Who is that?" Hoon asked when I closed the door.

"A neighbor."

"He gave you a gift? Let me check it first." Hoon snatched the box and open it.

"Is that your gift?" I asked sarcastic.

"Its a safety messured." he said and continued to open the gift.

"What's inside?" I asked in curiosity.

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