Chapter 18

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Alan had spent the whole night learning as much as he could about Old Gravestone and only returned to his new home at sunrise.

As soon as he approached the front door, he flinched when Grandfather appeared right in front of him with a burst of smoke.

"Grandfather! Please don't do that!" he said. "What if I was swinging a sword right now?"

Grandfather scoffed. "But why would you even swing a sword? You're not brave enough to do that."

Alan scoffed. "One of these days, I'll actually surprise you."

As soon as he said that, he expected Grandfather to burst into laughter or at least show any amusement, but he only stared back at him with a blank expression as he crossed his arms.

It was then that Alan thought he could just walk away, so he took a step to the side.

"Don't even think about it," Grandfather said. "Stand right where you were, before me."

Alan sighed. "Right, I forgot to say good morning. Did you sleep well?" He chuckled nervously, fluffing his blond hair.

Grandfather then took a step forward, narrowing his eyes and pushing down his glasses.

"Why were you out the whole night?" Grandfather asked.

"I told you before leaving," Alan said, hoping he was convincing enough.

"I don't believe that. You were out for too long. This is such a small town so it obviously didn't take you that long to sprinkle all that soul dust everywhere you could. Unless...."

"Unless what?" Alan asked, furrowing his eyebrows with his heart racing. For a moment, he thought Grandfather had just figured out what else he had been up to.

"Were you busy making my grandchildren?"


"What?" Grandfather shrugged. "Am I not allowed to ask? Is that what you were up to? Were you really making my grandchildren?"

Alan shook his head. "You know I'm not the type of person. I'll never do that without introducing you to the one I choose."

"But imagine I die before that happens."

"There's absolutely no way in the world that'll happen and it's because of who you are."

"Most times, you're usually wrong but in this case, you're absolutely right!"

Alan didn't know whether to feel proud or offended by Grandfather's response.

"So tell me. What did you find out overall?" Grandfather asked.

"There's a lot of evil in this town, especially at a certain mansion."

"Good, stay away from that," Grandfather said, patting him on the back. "I don't want you getting in trouble because you're all I have."

"But you didn't even hear the rest of it. Someone else lives there and it seems that they're being corrupted by this evil."

"That's not your problem so you'll stay out of it."

"But I thought we were supposed to help people."

"Maybe I can, but not you."

"Is it because you think I don't know what I'm up against?"

"It doesn't matter. You'll stay out of it and that's final."

"Then what should I do instead?"

"Make me some breakfast."

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