Chapter 22

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Though Alan had already been warned about staying away from the isolated mansion, he just couldn't help but return to it.

So when Grandfather was fast asleep that night, Alan returned and took to the skies once again, hoping to get a closer look at who lived there.

He sprinkled some soul dust again but this time, nothing happened and he knew right away that no one was home.

He was relieved, but at the same time, concerned.

Though he had influenced the free will of so many, he feared that it might've resulted in their deaths at the hands of the vampires they had bonded with.

However, it didn't matter how worried he was. There was no way he would share his feelings with his grandfather because it would only get him in trouble.

So he descended from the sky, fixed his long blond hair and made his way to a certain market, which was the busiest part of Old Gravestone. He just wanted to see if it was any different.

As he walked by, there were so many different activities, but he was the main attraction, especially for the ladies, just like the last time. They couldn't help but gush over his looks and charming smile, but he kept moving.

He even walked past the circus again, which he had seen previously but was yet to visit. He left it for another day because it was closed.

With nothing exciting going on, he decided to return home and on his way, he heard some people whispering among themselves about how most people suddenly expressed free will but it didn't last long because they were once again compelled.

That even got him thinking about the most evil soul, which lived in the isolated mansion. The same thing must have happened so it was all for nothing. He hadn't taken that into consideration.

Though he was far from being as good as his grandfather, Alan still knew how to cast certain spells effortlessly, so in an instant, he appeared back home in a burst of smoke.

The only problem was that he was right in his grandfather's room. He couldn't imagine what would've happened had he been awake.

He knew he couldn't use the door because the creak might wake him up.

His grandfather was a heavy sleeper, but he didn't want to take any chances.

Just as he was getting ready to get himself out of there with his wand,  his grandfather switched sleeping positions, causing Alan to hold his breath, but he exhaled when Grandfather continued to sleep.

That should've been his moment to leave, but he couldn't, not when he saw something brown sticking out from under his grandfather's white pillow.

Curious, he got closer, wondering if he'd slightly raise the pillow from the side just to see, so he did it and instantly found himself confused.

There were a pair of brown sandals, the same ones his grandfather had gone back for when they had just arrived in that house.

As he wondered why his grandfather didn't put them with the rest of his shoes, he noticed the same pair of brown slippers among the other pairs.

Quickly, he left his grandfather's room, but had so many questions.

What's going on? Why would he have sandals under the pillow and the same kind? How did I never notice that before?

No matter how he thought about it, there had to be an important reason behind it.

Though he wanted to ask his grandfather about it but he realized that would put him in trouble. He needed to find answers on his own.

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